⚡️ Chapter 45 ⚡️

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December arrived swiftly, bringing with it more snow and a positive avalanche of homework for the fifth years. So much so that Vega could barely spend long dates with Fred in the Hogsmeade Village during their trips. On the other hand, Ron and Hermione's prefect duties also became more and more onerous as the Christmas day approached.

They were called upon to supervise the decoration of the castle ("You try putting up tinsel when Peeves has got the other end and is trying to strangle you with it," said Ron), to watch over first and second years spending their break times inside because of the bitter cold ("And they're cheeky little snot-rags, you know, we definitely weren't that rude when we were in first year," said Ron), and to patrol the corridors in shifts with Argus Filch, who suspected that the holiday spirit might show itself in an outbreak of wizard duels ("He's got dung for brains, that one," said Ron furiously).

In fact, they were so busy that Hermione had stopped knitting elf hats and was fretting that she was down to her last three and cried out, "All those poor elves I haven't set free yet, having to stay over during Christmas because there aren't enough hats!"

Both Vega and Harry, who both had not had the heart to tell her that Dobby was taking everything she made, bent lower over their History of Magic essays to avoid looking at her.

"Don't worry, Hermione," Vega said when the brunette went on and on about it. "Christmas is the closest they have to a winter holiday – not enough kids to fret over. Besides, it is better to be in the warm castle than the cold outside without a job... well, unless you are going for winter sports,"

For Hermione was going skiing with her parents, something that greatly amused Ron, who had never before heard of Muggles strapping narrow strips of wood to their feet to slide down mountains. Ron, meanwhile, was going home to the Burrow for Christmas.

Vega had written home to inquire about the situation, and she was happy to hear that they could have her at home for Christmas holidays if she liked, and that she could go to the Weasleys whenever she wanted. It was a perfect set-up.

Harry, on the other hand, was not in mood to go to the Dursleys but Ron was quick to tell him, "But you're coming too! Didn't I say? Mum wrote and told me to invite you weeks ago! You can come by any time you want, too, Vega,"

Hermione rolled her eyes, but both Vega's and Harry's spirits soared: The thought of Christmas at the Burrow was truly wonderful. Vega felt thankful and she wasn't even looking forward to any gifts – she just wanted people to be healthy and happy.

A part of Vega wanted her to stay back at the mighty Hogwarts for the holidays for the fifth year in a row. She wanted to continue on with the D.A. meetings, but nearly everybody in the D.A. would be spending the time with their families.

"You can go visit Sirius during the holidays, too, Harry," Vega said to Harry when she found him lost in thoughts one evening. "Maybe he hasn't contacted us since because he now realises just how dangerous it is. Let's just be glad he wasn't caught,"

For the D.A. meeting before the holidays, Vega and Harry arrived early in the Room of Requirement to prep, and they were very glad she had, because when the lamps burst into light, they saw that Dobby had taken it upon himself to decorate the place for Christmas.

It was easy to tell the elf had done it, because nobody else would have strung a hundred golden baubles from the ceiling, each showing a picture of Vega's or Harry's face and bearing the legend 'HAVE A VERY HARRY CHRISTMAS!' or 'HAVE A VERY VEGA CHRISTMAS!'

"All of this is very adorable but we have to..." Vega muttered as she pulled out her wand and wiped everything related to them off before any of the D.A. members found them too arrogant.

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