⚡️ Chapter 64 ⚡️

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When Vega woke up the following morning, she had no idea how ended up in Fred's bed. It took her several moments to come to realisation that she had been in a nightmare and just rushed all the way here. She sighed at how sensitive she had gotten after the torturous night in the graveyard, and it made her feel quite embarrassed.

"It's okay," Fred assured her when she voiced out her thoughts about her behaviour. "I love it when you come to me – if I could, I would share my bed with you every night, you know I would,"

Although he didn't want her to leave too quickly in the morning, Fred was more than eager to walk her to the girls' tower, too, and Vega was grateful because she hadn't brought her dressing gown and had to use Fred's on the way.

"We can do a lot more when the holidays are here," Vega promised Fred as she passed him his dressing gown. "I know we're always surrounded by people... but I'm sure Aunt Dromeda would allow me to visit you – I just need to do really good in exams... and you know that I always do my best with the exams,"

"I'm counting on you, then," Fred replied with a grin.

"See you soon," Vega said as she gave him a kiss and went up the stairs to the girls' tower, closing the door behind her before she walked up to her dormitory.

The school day went by almost in a breeze – Vega couldn't find the time to even think as she sat in the classrooms, trying to do even better now that she had given her word to Fred. On the other hand, Harry seemed to be very troubled.

"Did you see the dream last night?" Harry whispered to Vega as the two of them followed Ron and Hermione from one class to their next. She nodded and he sighed. "Snape's going to be unsufferable tonight... I don't want to go to his office,"

"Do you want me to come along?" Vega asked consolingly. "It'll be okay – Sirius said I could come with you and I don't mind doing that, either,"

"No, it's fine," Harry replied immediately. "You know I don't want Snape to... anyway, I suppose I will try to practise during class," Vega nodded slightly.

Harry attempted a little last-minute practice during classes that day, but it was no good, Hermione kept asking him what was wrong whenever he fell silent trying to rid himself of all thought and emotion and, after all, the best moment to empty his brain was not while teachers were firing review questions at the class.

Dinner came around and Vega watched Harry's expression sour more and more as she sat across from him, eating her food. She sighed as he finished with his plate and got up to leave. Vega took her bag as well, standing up from the table.

"I'm going to go to the library," Vega said to the questioning look directed toward her from all of her friends. "Need to look up some stuff for Muggle Studies,"

Vega and Harry left the Great Hall together and to the Entrance Hall, and Vega parted from Harry to go through the nearest shortcut to the fourth-floor, which was just down from the giant hourglasses – Gryffindor nearly empty despite her efforts. She had, however, barely walked behind the tapestry when she heard Cho Chang's voice –


That stopped Vega in the dark corridor that would lead her up and she heard Harry and Cho coming to a stop not far from where she was. Vega stopped to listen – she had been feeling bad for Cho and Marietta especially since Marietta was still up in the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey had not been able to make the slightest improvement to her pimples.

"Are you okay?" Harry was asking Cho. "Umbridge hasn't been asking you about the D.A., has she?"

"Oh no," Cho replied hurriedly. Vega ran a hand through her hair. "No, it was only... well, I just wanted to say... Harry, I never dreamed Marietta would tell..."

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