⚡️ Chapter 16 ⚡️

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Vega had a fairly uneventful sleep that night – there were no nightmares. In fact, she had been slowly slipping into one when she was unexpectedly stirred when Fred climbed into the bed next to her, and by the time she had curled up in his arms, there was nothing more to be concerned with. She held onto him as if her life depended upon it, and stuffed her head against his chest.

And by the time morning came around, Vega didn't want to leave the bed, much less leave Fred. She tried to stay in bed all day long, just him and her – but alas, all good things must come to an end and she finally woke up. Fred groaned when she moved to leave the bed and pulled her back in his arms.

"I don't want to get up, either," Vega mumbled as she turned around to look at his face in the dark. "But we have to get ready and go to Hogwarts, you know? We will have plenty of time there..."

"It'll be hard to share a bed there," Fred responded, pouting as he gently pushed her unruly black curls out of her face so he could see her properly. "How will I survive? You've got me hooked on it,"

"But we will get to talk in peace, no?" Vega asked, staring into his eyes. "And..." She felt her cheeks turn warm. "... we'll get to do a lot more without being walked in on,"

"You're cute when you're embarrassed," Fred said as he let out a laugh against her lips. "I suppose... there's no chance on any of these lot to come walking in on us – without knocking, too,"

Right at that moment, there was a knock on the door by Mrs. Weasley, causing Vega to chuckle and Fred to groan loudly. Vega gave him several kisses all over his face and left the bed, fixing her white nightgown before she slipped out of the bedroom, hurrying downstairs.

None of the other children had managed to get themselves out of bed – Vega rubbed her sleeved-arms as she got her casual Muggle clothing and went to take a quick warm shower before breakfast.

"Good morning," Vega greeted Mrs. Weasley, walking into the basement kitchen where the older woman was working hard on breakfast for everyone. "Good morning, Sirius,"

Sirius didn't really look like he was having a good morning but he nodded in reply anyhow. Vega busied herself to help Mrs. Weasley, and she made her own plateful of breakfast. She knew that she wouldn't be allowed to leave the house until she did so – especially since Dora also joined her there.

"Good morning, Dora," Vega greeted the still-redheaded female. "You stayed here?" She was already almost done with her breakfast.

"Good morning, my little Nova~!" Dora said as she sat down next to the younger girl. "I crashed in your bed last night... I suppose you were with your boyfriend? Mum's going to have a heart-attack when she hears of it,"

"Vega," Sirius spoke up suddenly, and Vega looked up from her baked beans, having been ignoring Dora's teasing. "Don't mind me but..." He looked quite awkward. "... you've got that talk, right?"

"That talk?" Vega asked, looking at him in confusion and Sirius looked even more awkward. It dawned on her when Dora laughed loudly. "Talk... you mean... that talk? Y-yes, I have – Aunt Dromeda... told me everything,"

"Ah, okay," Sirius replied, looking just as embarrassed the young girl – clearly, he was not as smooth about discussing this with a youngster as he would've expected. "Just making sure, you know, that you're not getting into something you don't want,"

"I understand," Vega answered, trying to smile at him appreciatively while Dora continued to howl with laughter. "Um, I think I will go and give Buckbeak his food – I'm done with breakfast,"

Vega put her empty breakfast plate for washing and fled out of the basement kitchen, not wanting to be teased any further. She had already gotten that conversation with Aunt Dromeda within days of coming back home from school – now that she had a boyfriend that was full-grown teenager. It wasn't entirely new to Vega but it was still embarrassing to be told at times. Not that she wasn't grateful for it – they were only looking out for her.

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