⚡️ Chapter 6 ⚡️

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Back in the kitchen, Moody had replaced his eye, which was spinning so fast after its cleaning that it was sickening. Kingsley Shacklebolt and Sturgis Podmore were examining the microwave and Hestia Jones was laughing at a potato peeler she had come across while rummaging in the drawers. Lupin was sealing a letter addressed to the Dursleys.

"Excellent," Lupin said, looking up as Vega, Dora and Harry entered. "We've got about a minute, I think. We should probably get out into the garden so we're ready. Harry, I've left a letter telling your aunt and uncle not to worry –"

"They won't," Harry replied.

"That you're safe –" Lupin went on.

"That'll just depress them," Harry interjected.

"– and you'll see them next summer," Lupin finished.

"Do I have to?" Harry muttered, causing Lupin to smile but made no answer to him.

"Come here, boy," Moody said gruffly, beckoning Harry toward him with his wand. Vega almost made light of the situation by saying he might blast someone but didn't. "I need to Disillusion you,"

"You need to what?" Harry asked nervously.

"Disillusionment Charm," Moody responded, raising his wand. "Lupin says you've got an Invisibility Cloak, but it won't stay on while we're flying; this'll disguise you better. Here you go –"

"Nice one, Mad-Eye," Dora commented appreciatively, staring at Harry's midriff with Vega as it changed in appearance to his solid form.

Harry, too, looked down at his body – It was not invisible; it had simply taken on the exact colour and texture of the kitchen unit behind him. Vega gave him a smile and a thumbs-up when he looked back up. He gave her an awkward look back but she was sure he'll be okay.

"Come on," Moody ordered, unlocking the back door with his wand and they all stepped outside onto Uncle Vernon's beautifully kept lawn.

Vega looked around at the bushes with intently as she took hold of her broomstick. But then she remembered that she needed to clean out the lights so she used the lighter to put it all out while Moody surveyed the heavens with his magical blue eye.

"Clear night," Moody grunted. "Could've done with a bit more cloud cover. Right, you," He barked at Harry. "We're going to be flying in close formation. Tonks will be right in front of you, keep close on her tail. Lupin will be covering you from below and Vega will be above. I'm going to be behind you. The rest will be circling us. We don't break ranks for anything, got me? If one of us is killed –"

"Is that likely?" Harry asked apprehensively, but Moody ignored him.

"– the others keep flying, don't stop, don't break ranks," Moody said. "If they take out all of us and you survive, Harry, the rear guard are standing by to take over; keep flying east and they'll join you,"

"Stop being so cheerful, Mad-Eye, he'll think we're not taking this seriously," Dora said, as she strapped Harry's trunk into the harness hanging on her broom.

"I'm just telling the boy the plan," Moody growled as Dora helped Vega tie Hedwig's cage to her broomstick. "Our job is to deliver him safely to headquarters and if we die in the attempt –"

"No one's going to die," Kingsley Shacklebolt said in his deep, calming voice.

"Mount your brooms, that's the first signal!" Lupin spoke up sharply, pointing into the sky.

Far, far above them, a shower of bright red sparks had flared among the stars. Vega realised that this was the signal that Dumbledore was supposed to send. She quietly mounted her broomstick and held onto it, waiting for the next signal to come so she could finally take off with others.

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