⚡️ Chapter 46 ⚡️

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Vega's eyes snapped open and for a moment, she was at a loss for where she was. Someone was grabbing tightly on her shoulders in the dark, and as the realisation set in, Vega let out a shriek of terror and thrashed away from the person, tumbling out of the bed and onto the floor with a loud and heavy crash. She groaned and tried to move away when someone turned the lamps on in the room to reveal where she really was.

The dormitory flooded into vision and Vega looked around to see that it had been Hermione, not Crouch Junior, who had been holding her arms, and on the other side of the room, Parvati, Fay and Lavender were huddled together and staring at her with wide eyes, too scared to even make the smallest peep at what was going on in front of them.

"Are you okay, Vega?" Hermione asked, shocked at her reaction and rushed around the bed to get to Vega. "What's going on? You were crying in your sleep!"

"Hermione – listen to me, we need to go –" Vega gasped as she pushed herself onto her shaking feet. "There's something going on – I need to talk to someone –"

There was no way that Vega was going to mention anything in front of Fay, Parvati and Lavender, and she raced past them to leave the stuffy dormitory and out to the empty common room, her heart beating so rapidly that she felt like it would burst out of her chest.

Trying to get her thoughts straight, Vega bent over her knees to breathe out properly as she waited for Hermione to come down so they could go to Dumbledore. She was about to turn to look at the girls' tower when a door slammed open, causing Vega to stifle a shriek.

It was Neville who had come out of the boys' tower, and he looked quite dishevelled himself. Vega stared at him with wide eyes and he did the same back at her.

"Vega?" Neville asked as he stepped closer to her. "Did you have some dream, too?"

"What do you mean 'too'?" Vega asked, swallowing the sickness that was rising in her. "Did you have a dream? Who had a dream – was it –"

"Harry had a nightmare," Neville told her urgently. "I'm going to go get Professor McGonagall – you stay here – it's alright –" He left the common room even faster than before.

Hermione still hadn't come downstairs so Vega shakingly walked up the boys' tower, peering around into the Fifth-Year boys' dormitory, and her worst fear was confirmed when she Harry sitting in his bed, clutching his head and vomit next to his bed.

"Harry?" Vega whispered, and her voice caused everyone in the room to jump, and they clutched their chests when they saw just how disorderly she looked. "Did you – dream that?"

"What are you talking about, Vega?" Ron asked, sounding very anxious. "What in the world are you two dreaming about? My father is okay!"

"There's been an attack," Vega told him grabbing his arm with shaking hands and looking at him with wide eyes, trying to keep her voice low. "I saw it – I tried to stop it – but I couldn't do it!" Her voice broke into a cry.

"Vega, you're freaking me out," Ron replied, watching the girl break down into tears. "This isn't you – you just had a nightmare. Do you want me to call Fred?"

"You're not getting it!" Vega said desperately. "How can Harry and I have the same nightmare? How can two people dream the same thing? He was bit – I tried to help him!"

"Well... you two... you know..." Ron trailed off, looking positively freaked out.

"No!" Harry exclaimed furiously. "It wasn't a dream... Not an ordinary dream... I was there, I saw it... I did it..." Vega turned to look at him in confusion.

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