⚡️ Chapter 44 ⚡️

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When Vega woke up fairly late the following morning, and the first thing she felt was the fingers threading lazily through her hair. Her head was set against the warm skin of Fred's chest and when she looked up at him, he seemed to be awake but had his eyes closed. The sunlight was already sweeping into the dormitory and it seemed like she had slept in. But that was okay – everyone woke up extra late on the Sunday after Quidditch anyway.

"Good morning," Vega spoke up, reaching up with her hand to poke at Fred's nose and she grinned as his eyes cracked open. "When did you wake up?"

"Just now," Fred replied with such a big yawn that Vega couldn't help but chuckle. She moved over so their faces were right next to each other. "Did you get a good sleep?"

"The best," Vega said quickly before giving him a kiss. "It's always the best when I get to sleep with you," She wrapped her arms around him. "I wish we could sleep together more often... why must it your last year at Hogwarts? I still have two more to go,"

"We'll meet every Christmas and summer holidays, okay?" Fred assured her. "I'll write letters to you – and when George and I are successful, we'll get a branch in Hogsmeade, and I'll be there, okay?"

"I understand... but it'll still be quite different from school, no?" Vega asked. "Here, we can spend time around the castle, at the lake and the forest... and we could play Quidditch together – ugh, I can't believe that pink toad banned you!"

"Hey, hey, let's not talk about her," Fred replied, calming her down as he pulled her onto himself. "I don't want to imagine her face when I'm with you – come here,"

The sun was quite far up when Fred was finally convinced that Vega should sneak out before she was seen, and he helpfully offered to walk her to the girls' tower so she wouldn't run into any 'random guy' in the boys' tower.

"Wear a shirt," Vega whisper-shouted as she threw one over to Fred, trying not to make too much noise to wake up his roommates. "Why are you going out half-naked?"

"I thought you liked it when I was shirtless," Fred replied, grinning at her as she shook her head at his behaviour but it was true that she didn't mind it.

"Alright, alright, come along," Vega said as she walked ahead of him, opening the door and walking out to the bedroom. "Looks like everyone's still asleep – I don't hear a sound,"

"It is only nine," Fred admitted, closing the door behind them. "I wish you'd stay in bed with me a little more. We can wait until the rest of them have woken up and gone down for breakfast,"

"I'm still a bit shy about being seen," Vega confessed.

And just as the two of them were walking past the Sixth-Year dormitory, the door swung open and Vega came face to face with yet another shirtless person. But this time, she was quick to move away and behind Fred, not wanting to be seen.

"What's the ruckus?" said Cormac McLaggen, whose expression had soured when he found out that Vega wasn't on her own right now.

"There's no ruckus, dingus, go back to bed," Fred told him in annoyance as he pulled Vega along down the stairs and out to the common room. "That guy always gets on my nerves – you can go up from here okay, love?"

"Yes..." Vega replied as she headed for the girls' tower, quite confused as to why McLaggen was in Fred's bad books – she personally had never mentioned the guy to her boyfriend, and never seen them cross paths. "See you at the breakfast,"

The morning went by fairly quickly – Harry, Ron and Hermione woke up as well so Vega joined them to head down to the Great Hall. They parted ways afterward so Vega and Hermione could plough their way back to Hagrid's cabin through two feet of snow while Harry and Ron stayed back at the warm Gryffindor common room with their mountain of homework that had by now reached an extremely alarming height.

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