Chapter 36: Mewtwo strikes back part two

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(August, 26 21xx)
[new island]
I said, "Mew is here?" Ash responds "yeah! And they're fighting Mewtwo!" I was excited to see mew since from what I've heard of them mew is the rarest Pokémon in existence...but that excitement quickly drained into fear...I realize that this situation is going to get worse. And I'm afraid that there will be casualties. I have to stop them from killing each other I need this to end peacefully! I need Mewtwo to see Amber again. We walk out into a large open stadium with all of the original Pokemon that were stolen by Mewtwo. The other trainers were there as well in aww of two legendary Pokémon starring at each other. They look over to us happy and excited to see their Pokémon back. They yell "OUR POKÉMON! YOU FREED THEM! YEAH!" "NOW MEWTWO STANDS NO CHANCE AGAINST US!" And more chants from the trainers in the stadium...Then mewtwo opens the door behind him to reveal cloned versions of the same Pokémon we just freed. Mewtwo retorts in a snide counter {You humans think that it will be that easy do you. How about it my clone super Pokémon vs your measly weak Pokémon that don't stand a chance!} Mew counters two <"We will win because we are real and you are fake! Real beats fake because real is real!"> no one understands mew except the Pokémon and myself... but I'm not a Pokémon. why do I understand what mew is saying? And why is mew implying that mewtwo, the cloned Pokémon,... that I am not alive because we are artificial...That doesn't matter because things are going to get ugly if I don't do something now! I rush between both sides saying "Wait! Don't do this both of you don't understand! Please don't do this... it won't prove anything!" But my pleas went on deaf ears as both sides charge into battle. Both sides clash with everything they got! They don't realize that this battle is meaningless and won't end well for anybody. They don't realize that both artificial beings and non artificial beings are both alive and can live together! After a while everyone was horrified and sad at what the battle brought. The Pokémon were injured, tired, and can barely fight each other while the mew and two are still fighting vigorously... I need to stop this and get both of them to listen to reason! I see both of the legendary Pokémon hovering above the ground charging a powerful attack! I see ash ran to the crossfire! I have no time to even change to the light armor but I can't let anyone die... I rush in the crossfire hold ash in my arms to try to protect the kid as Both unleashed their attack... I feel my life flash before my closed eyes as a warm sensation flows all over us and a memory plays in my mind... "X...X...X..." repeated the old man that looks like Santa Claus "...Who are you?" I said confused. The old man answers "My name is doctor Thomas light... I created you X." I ask "...X...Is that my name." Dr light answers after a few coughs "Yes that's right! It's a variable! It represents limitless potential for you are a new type of robot. A robot that is alive, that can think, act, and worry...[time passes] you are just like us humans.and that's why I have to put you in stasis... us humans aren't mature enough to accept you yet... they may fear your limitless evolutionary potential as something to be feared! I won't be able to see you enter the world yet... farewell X you are the worlds one true hope!" I am pulled to the present moment as I open my eyes to see everyone shocked to see both of us still alive... even I'm shocked. Ash opens his eyes and asks "Am I dead?" I say "No we are not! Mew! Mewtwo! Stop this madness! Don't you both see that your fighting is meaningless!" Both legendary Pokémon dumbfounded by both my words and the fact that we are still alive. I turn to Mew and say " If you think that the clones and those artificial are fake then what does that say about me! I am a machine created in the image of man! You say that we who are born artificial are not alive but I say that isn't true! We are alive and we have souls despite being born in a lab! We can act, think, feel, and make decisions all on our own." I turn to mewtwo who is flabbergasted by what I said. I then say "Mewtwo I understand that you are mistreated, discriminated, and hurt by humans... so have I. But I continue to believe that there are good in humans in this world and I've seen a few examples! I know that you are meant to be a weapon for destruction but you can change! The circumstances of your birth are irrelevant it's what you do with the gift of life that matters! If you destroy humanity you become exactly like the humans that mistreated and abused you! Don't let your anger and pain control you! Please mewtwo..." Mewtwo moved by my words says {... I guess you are right... I... apologize for my behavior I will try to set things right. First will send you all back with out the painful memories of what transpired today and then find a home for all the clones...} as everything glows white I quickly try to say "Wait mewtwo! there is another..." "Mewtwo..." we are immediately on the pier next to the Pokémon center we all left on. No! If I was able to speak I would be able to tell mewtwo about amber! That they would know that she is alive!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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