Chapter 17: junkpile beat up

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(July 7th, 21xx) [Hunter base]

After I've teleported back to the hunter base I see Clark waiting for me. Clark says "I've found a melting factory that has been occupied by the enemy. I found that many reploids that aren't sided with sigma are going to be melted. I wanted to go alone, but, I think it will be better to have back up." I nod and respond "O..ok. I'm ready. Let's go!" Clark then saw how traumatized I was from the fight with chill penguin and asks "Are you ok?" I tell him honestly "No. not really. I wish that this war never existed! I... I killed someone! And... and I have to kill more! I don't want to hurt anyone but I have to stop sigma and those how joined with them! I can't let Sigma kill the humans, they are people! But reploids are people too!" Clark intervenes "X, I... I don't know why Sigma wants to kill every human and other reploids that sided with humans, but, I can't let Sigma destroy everything and everyone that I love and you shouldn't let it do that to you! You have to protect everything and everyone you care about no matter what stands in your way! I know you hate to hurt anyone but you have to do what's needed to be done to stop them and this war in any way you can." I look up to Clark, nod and say "Let's end this war. For everyone's hopes and dreams!" We then leave the base to go to the factory.

[Abel city burning factory]
After a long amount of time we reached the factory as we were getting there, there was an extremely cold climate. What we saw when we went inside was horrible! Reploids hanging on the ceiling, damaged, melted, and partly frozen. I stare in horror at the destruction and death I see. "Oh, my. We... we need to stop this... thing, from doing something like this again! Come on X!" We move towards the maniac who caused all this pain and death. as we move I noticed that the molten metal is frozen in ice. Clark noticed it too and is confused. He must've come here before I defeated chill penguin. I tell Clark "After I killed chill penguin. I notice that the laboratory had a cooling mechanism that makes buildings like this on freeze just in case the molten metal has to much buildup and burst into the city." We reached the location of the one responsible for the deaths of many reploids. We see a huge reploid that looks like a mammoth. It turns around and sees us. And it laughs like a bully that loves to torture other people for fun and games! It says "Aww, look what I have here. Two peep-squeaks just for me to stomp!" I don't hesitate. I shoot as much as I can while shouting "You monster! Those were people! Don't you feel remorse for what you've done!" The monster takes the hits and jumps towards us. Clark grabs me to safety and punches the monster to the wall. The monster laughs as it uses a flamethrower in its right arm towards Clark. I use the double gear system to push Clark out of the way but taking the hit. "Ahhhhh!" It feels like my skin is being ripped off by a red hot peeler. Clark is filled with anger rushes towards the beast to attack. But the beast stomps on Clark. Clark struggles to get it off him. I can't move to position my self for a clean shot in time or shoot a powerful enough shot to knock it of Clark! ... unless I use both the gears at the same time! I force myself to move while using both gears to give Clark more time and to hurt the enemy. I charge as much as I can and fire! The blast knocked the enemy to the wall and Clark is freed. I... "ahhhhgh!" I turn off the double gear but it's too late. I still try to shoot but I can only shoot one uncharged shot at a time. I also see electricity around me that is hurting me. I see Clark get up and beat on the maverick over and over again until it's dead. Clark came and used his frost breath to help with my healing. I slowly but surely walk towards the dead monster and copy its power. Clark and I stayed here for a while to recuperate and rest. Clark left to protect the other city's filled with people while I teleported back to base.

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