Chapter 35: Mewtwo strikes back part one

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(August 26, 21xx) [Pokemon Center]

Right now our flight back to Abel city was canceled due to this awful storm that happened an hour ago. We went to the nearest Pokemon Center for shelter. There are a lot of people here and most of them are irritated. "What do you mean we can't go to new Island!" one of them said. Another followed up with "We must battle against the strongest trainer and Pokemon in the world!" the last part struck me. Do they mean Mewtwo? What does team rocket want to do with these people? Nothing good I bet! The officers respond to the uncomfortable crowd. "It is too dangerous to go anywhere right now! And we are getting reports that it is going to get worse! So we need to stay put!" the kid in the red jacket and red and white hat said, "...Screw this I'm still going." he rushes out the door and throws a device called a Pokeball which can catch and contains Pokemon. The device opens and red energy comes out to form a blue serpentine-like dragon in the water and he rides it into the darkness. The others follow suit as quickly as he did ignoring the warnings and danger of this circumstance. And I have to follow them too. So I change to the light armor and charge shotgun ice and say "Sorry, but I need to follow them! They might be falling into a trap!" I get outside into the pear and unleash the fully charged shotgun ice to make an ice sled to get me to new Island.

[New Island]

After a short time sailing the ocean and a few close calls due to the bad weather I made it to new Island though I had to use charged chameleon sting to get through the security to get to the main hall. It is filled with many of the Pokemon trainers that we're at the Pokemon Center including the one with the red jacket. Everything looks extravagant but I shouldn't let my guard down especially if we are potentially dealing with team rocket. I listen to the crowd of trainers talk "Who do you think the trainer will be." one trainer said. Another trainer said "I don't care about the trainer! I want to know about the Pokemon!" one trainer interjected "I don't care about either! All I care about is proving I'm the best trainer of them all including league champion red over there!" he points to the guy in the red jacket. So that's his name. Red was talking to a spiky-haired kid. I tune into their conversation which they were at whisper-level volume. "Red you know this is a trap right? I've fought that Pokemon and it truly is the strongest!" Red responds "Yes I know about Mewtwo but I also know that it left team rocket and is planning something on its own. I know it's strong but I think we could defeat it together especially since I just got the mega Charizard X mega stones." I then hear a splashing noise and see everyone looking at a boy in a blue jacket with a hat and with a yellow mouse Pokemon that has red cheeks and a lightning bolt tail, a girl in a sports swimsuit with a ponytail, and a young man with spiky hair who just arrived. One of the trainers says. "Look who it is! It's ash and his gym leader cheerleaders." most of them laugh but I see Red walk toward them And say. "don't mind them. You ok ash?" I interject "That was a dangerous journey you went through did any of you sustain injuries?" Ash said, "No we are not hurt and our Pokemon didn't suffer a scratch. Who are you?" I answer "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you're not hurt." we see the lights turn off and a spotlight shines at the end of the hall and a woman in an extravagant dress announces. "I would like to introduce you to my master the strongest Pokemon and trainer to exist...Mewtwo." We all look up to see bipedal feline-looking Pokemon that has a purple tail and a purple belly. One of the trainers said, "There's no way that a Pokemon can be a trainer!" Mewtwo responds to us with telepathy. {"Are you sure? I am the one who chooses my own rules."} The same trainer gets up and proclaims. "Is this some kind of joke?! I want out of here!" Mewtwo then picks up the trainer with telekinesis and swings him like a toy! I exclaim "Mewtwo STOP!" they respond { "If you insist."} and throws the young trainer aside. I catch him effortlessly and put him down gently next to the fountain. The trainer gets and says "No one is gonna push me around like that and not be pushed back! Gyarados attack!" the Gyarados charge a beam attack that it unleashes onto Mewtwo! Mewtwo reflects the attack on the Gyarados! I immediately went to protect the boy from the aftermath. { "That was trivial. I no longer have use for you!" } he lets go of the mind control on the woman and she falls unconscious. I see all the trainers attack with their Pokemon. I shout to deaf ears. "WAIT...DON'T DO THIS!" Mewtwo dodges all attacks with grace and elegance and rapidly fires his counterattacks back at them making its target and defeating many Pokemon in the process. Reds Charizard is the last one standing but barely. Red looks around him and realizes that his Pokemon is the last one left and decides to mega evolve his Charizard and the Pokemon changes from primarily an orange humanoid dragon to a black and blue humanoid dragon with blue flames coming from its mouth. The reinvigorated Charizard fights with all of its powered-up might against Mewtwo! The dragon is doing very well against Mewtwo. It got a good amount of hits. But Mewtwo found an opening and took the Charizard out in one fell swoop. Mewtwo then lands in front of us and says { "That was annoying. But that shows how weak humans are! And to think at one point id work alongside humans...but I was disappointed. I realize that humans are dangerous and inferior to Pokemon in every way! And if humans are allowed to exist then the world would be destroyed by them."} Those words give me intense painful flashbacks of me losing Zero and fighting Sigma! I scream to my fullest, change to the light armor, charge to my fullest while using the power gear, and unleash it onto the maverick! The maverick was quick to put up a barrier but it brakes on contact and both shots hit their mark hurting it unlike the others could! I won't let it breathe so I use homing torpedoes which track his movements, shotgun ice to cover space, and buster shots to punish bad movement. I use a boomerang cutter to yank Sigma from the air to the ground and use a fire wave but he teleports out of range and hits me with a black spherical projectile which stings but I fire back harder with a storm tornado which sigma barely dodges but I dash jump behind him to fire another which hits. He hits the ground hard and I make sure he stays that way with a quick charge shot! I charge and look closer at my opponent's face is when I snap back to reality. I...I wasn't fighting Sigma! I'm not even fighting a maverick! I'm fighting Mewtwo...Amber's close friend! My body is washed with shame and guilt as I realized I could have killed Mewtwo who sure wants to destroy humanity. But Mewtwo is very young and what I heard about team that Mewtwo would have been raised to hate humans due to poor treatment and mental abuse! I released my charge shot to the sky for I won't...I can't harm them any longer... Especially if I can get through to Mewtwo to stop this vendetta against humans. Mewtwo looks at me in confusion...before I can utter a word Mewtwo knocks me away with his tail and then hits me with all of his psychic might! I lay broken and bleeding with pain that feels like I'm wood in a wood chipper. I charge chameleon sting so I can escape and heal. Mewtwo speaks to me { "I've never felt pain like this! How is it possible that the Pokemon I've confronted couldn't beat me but you... A worthless weakling brought me to my knees!?" } I weakly say "I...understand what you went through... I understand why you hate humans...I know you were mistreated by some of them...but...not all humans are bad..." Mewtwo quickly angrily replies { "YOU UNDERSTAND NOTHING ABOUT ME AND WHAT I HAD TO ENDURE! You, humans, are all the same! You lie and manipulate others to your advantage only to stab us in the back!"} If that were only true then I wouldn't exist. If only I could get through to you Mewtwo... If only I can show you the truth. I turn completely invisible and hurried to someplace deeper in the castle so I could heal. I stumble upon a lab with a lot of large tubes and the main computer I see strange black balls with eyes on them coming to an assembly line and when I see different Pokemon on the screen is when I realized that this is a cloning facility and these balls are pokemon stolen from the trainers in the main hall! I now hear screaming and see that ash is clutching onto one of the balls "Noo! I won't let you get Pikachu...common open!" I hurry to the computer to try and release the Pokemon inside. When I finally released them it was too late. The cloning machine already has all of the DNA of all the Pokemon in the main hall and it is finished cloning. I look on the computer for an entrance and opened it myself. Ash comes to me and says "Thank you so much, mister! Hopefully, we can defeat Mewtwo now, especially since mew is now helping us!"

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