Chapter 14: recovery

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(July 5th, 21xx) [Hunter base]

"Hang on, X!" I hear Zero faintly say. I hear the fear in their voice. Everything feels numb, weak, and painful. Am I going to die?

(July 6th, 21xx)

I... I... no, I can't die yet! I don't want to! Then, when I open my eyes I'm covered in bandages. I ask "What happened? Why am I covered in bandages?" Zero answers "You fainted from blood loss. I... don't know you have blood and I've checked more than once and had help from Dr.Cain. You have unique blood and blood type different than everything on earth. Also, you have an automatic repair system that heals you quickly. That's everything new we've discovered about you... !... How are you feeling?" I respond "I feel like I've been hit by a truck. But what's happening now? Did Sigma attack other cities? I... I need to help and...and..." Zero interrupts "No, you need to rest and heal. After that, I'll give you your orders, ok? And... stay safe!" I nodded as I watch Zero leave.

(July 7th, 21xx)
I wake up completely healed as I've never encountered The enemies from the central highway. I'm surprised to see and feel fine. I see a communicator on the floor. Pick it up, then I see Zero. "X, I left this communicator for you. Your first mission is to go to The snow base where chill penguin is located. You must destroy them before they use the base to cause an avalanche. Good luck." The image of Zero fades completely as I put the communicator to a chair so I can prevent any damage to it. "hey, X how can I help." I turn around and see Clark floating outside in a blue spandex suit that has red boots, red trunks, a yellow belt, a red cape, and a red s symbol with a yellow background and a red diamond outside of the s on his chest. I respond with "I want you to scout the city and give me information about what's going on. I also want you as back up just in case things go wrong in my or Zero's missions. But I want you to focus on protecting the border of the city I don't want any Mavericks leaving and causing havoc in other places." Clark nods and asks "when you get to sigma I want to join you, I think you need someone like me to help take him down. And... I'll help rescue the rest of the survivors." I put a thumbs up as I now prepare a teleport to the arctic base.

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