Chapter 15: gifts from Light

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(July 7th, 21xx) [Snow base]

I am now at the snow base I follow and destroy a trail of ray bits a rabbit robot that shoots plasma from its ears. I feel the whole mountain trembling and I know I need to move. I enter a man-made cave that is the quickest passage to chill penguin. I climb and wall jump to the highest point in the cave and I see a mysterious blue capsule twice my size. I move towards it and something happened. The capsule opened and a hologram of Dr. Light appears "My name is Thomas Light. This is a message for you X... I entrust the future to you. If you've come across this capsule, I fear you must be in the midst of a horrible war. I have left capsules like this one to help you turn the tide of battle. These capsules contain incredible powers to aid you. I believe that you will use them in the cause of justice. Here you will find the foot parts. The foot parts will give you the ability to dash! This capsule also contains the double gear system. The double gear system will allow you to increase your speed and power output with the speed and power gear individually. But be careful if you use it! Prolong use of the double gear system will hurt you, especially if you use both gears, so use short uses of it. Use this power to steer the future in the right direction! I trust you, my dear X." The hologram fades. I... I don't know what to do or think! Is this a trap... no, it couldn't be. Nobody knows about me and Dr. Light except for Dr. Cain, Clark, maybe Zero, I know sigma only heard of Dr.Light and therefore can't know much about him! I decide to enter the capsule and I feel something warm around me. Like a hug from a family member who loves you. I feel this as an array of white light goes around and inside my legs and chest. After the lights stop I look down and see that my legs are in a different color scheme my legs are white, the feet are still blue and there are gold accents on the ankles! I get out of the capsule and I immediately feel a rush of air against me and when I look behind me the capsule is twenty feet behind me! I must've dashed! How do I do it again? Then I realize it's a mental command just like grabbing something! I then dash my way to the base. As I dash I see a ride armor. I hop in it realizing it's my first time riding these things. I quickly got the basics down as I see an enemy in a ride armor going after me and we immediately box like it's rock em sock em robots but literally. I finally kill the enemy and the ride armor along with it. I see a cliff, I try to jump over it with the ride armor but fail, so I jump out of the ride armor and wall jump over the cliff. I move forward and enter the base.

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