Chapter 29: The metropolis reploid riot

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( July 13th, 21xx) [Metropolis city streets]
The entire city was at an uproar due to the news of the true nature of the devastation of Abel city. People are trampling other people in rage as loud voices consume the air and violence starts to surge in the streets. People are striking the nearest thing and reploid in reach! Clark grabs me and runs away from the violence and destruction while I stare in horror as I see reploids cowering in fear as they are attacked brutally and mercilessly. I also see humans being trampled, bruised, and bloodied. This is my fault! I did this! Without me, no one has to suffer. I struggle against Clark's grip and when I break free I start running towards the chaos but Clark stands in my way. "What are you doing!?" He exclaimed. I answered, "I'm going back out there to stop this!" Clark shakes his head "You can't, they won't listen to you!" I signify my words "I need to get back there and help! I can't stand by and let this happen!" Clark closes his eyes and says "There is no stoping a riot, X! If you go back you'll only add fuel to the fire or you'll hurt others by accident! There is nothing you can do!" I hastily responded, "I've got to do something! People are getting hurt!" Clark shakes his head and speaks to me in a calm tone, "X, I know, but sometimes the best thing we can do is stand back and wait until it's over so we can help afterword. Even with our tremendous power, there are things even we can't stop. Trust me I know." I start to say something but I stop to think about what he said and after a grueling moment, I agreed "Alright. What should we do?" Clark answers "We go to a safe distance and after this is over we come back to help those who injured." I nod and reluctantly follow Clark.

[metropolis Centennial park]

I look around me and see many humans and reploids alike flee in terror from the carnage by the riot. Went to the park and I'm in awe of the natural greenery that surrounds us. "This isn't like what we have in Abel city." As I say while feeling the tree bark. Clark grins and replies "No of course not. Metropolis has good soil, low pollution, and has a good amount of rain every year, unlike Abel city." I ponder about it for a little bit then say "I guess that's true. It's why we need to make mechanical plants to replace the old and dying ones at Abel city for the residents to survive." Clark waits a sec then asks "What do you think about the park. Is it better than the one in Abel city?" I immediately admitted "I love this place! I've never seen such biodiversity before in my life!" Clark smiles and lets out a thought "I guess that is a yes"

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