Chapter 27

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[A/n]: This chapter was ready last year, but I was so torn about the direction I wanted to take this story that I pretty much scrapped this chapter and then revived it again recently. I am not going to read over it bc if I do, I have a feeling it'll never be posted at all, so please ignore any errors you see!

The good news is that I plan to finish this story (hopefully this year?) because I can no longer stand having it unfinished lol. Writing this story started out as something fun but then it ended up stressing me out for no reason for quite a few years ^^'


"You see, when I said to trust no one..."

It's one of those nights again. The kind of night where you can't sleep because the anxiety spreads from your mind to the inside of your chest, taking your breath away and convincing you that you can no longer breathe. It's scary how something mental can cause physical pain, you think as you attempt to breathe normally. Len is sleeping by your side, but only due to exhaustion. You'd easily sleep if you weren't so afraid of people breaking into the house. Before the attempted break in occurred a few days ago, you always knew that Len's fans could do it, but now you knew that they would. How can you rest knowing there's so many of them out there who wish you'd just die?

You try to focus on staying calm, so you distract yourself by staring at Len's arms tightly wrapped around your form. This habit of his once reminded you of a cage—a prison—with how his arms constantly trapped you to him, which was overwhelming at first, but now you crave it. Perhaps it's because you found that you can no longer feel safe without it; that it's better to stay within the cage of someone who'll always love you rather than having freedom outside where everyone wants you to disappear.

You sigh, turning in Len's arms to face him. Normally, you'd sleep in your own room but the two of you realized it'll be wiser to stay together from now on in case of a break in. Len has become extremely paranoid as of late, causing him to up the security around his house. Two knives from the kitchen drawer are taped onto the side of his nightstand, the sight a grim reminder that you're no longer secure in the place that was once your safe haven.

Another shaky breath leaves you as you inch closer to Len, and you're in the middle of brushing a few stray bangs away from his forehead when he starts mumbling in his sleep. You blink curiously, waiting a few moments to see if he says anything else but he doesn't. You almost relax until he jerks awake causing you to release a startled yelp. His eyes are blown wide as he bolts into a sitting position and you hastily do the same.

"What's wrong?" you ask, assuming he had another nightmare.

"I just thought of something!" he gasps out.

You stare at him incredulously through the darkness for a moment. "You were your sleep?"

"...Doesn't everyone?"

"No, Len," you sigh, tiredly running a hand through your hair and wincing when you catch a knot, "not most people."

"Ah, whatever, just hear me out." He brushes off the abnormality of his ability, and you nod sleepily motioning for him to go on. "I was just thinking about our homeroom class where I asked you out to dinner. Only the few students in that room heard us talking, so whoever spread that information around to Haru and Gin must have been from our homeroom, right?"

You scratch the back of your neck unsurely. "Maybe? But they weren't the only ones who knew. You also told Piko, Yuma, and Oliver beforehand," you reply. The three boys aren't just Len's helpers, they're his best friends, and he confides in them because he fully trusts them. Or maybe he did until two seconds ago.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now