Chapter 21

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"I don't think I could live anymore..."

When you woke up, there was a slight feeling of dread within you, though you couldn't imagine why. Yesterday after school ended, you went straight home and left Mai and Mari within the capable hands of Len's "nice" fangirl-army without a single thought against it. You even heard bits and pieces from Neru of what was going to happen to them, yet still didn't care despite the tiny voice nagging you inside saying what you're doing is wrong. You're usually more logical, but perhaps Len's irrationality is rubbing off on you.

Besides, those girls didn't listen to their conscience before attempting to lob a cement brick at your head, so why should you listen to yours?


"Because two students are dead, that's why," the cop says after Len asks why no one's allowed to enter the school. There are hordes of students trying to see what's happening from behind the yellow police tape, many of them having the gall to take pictures to share on social media. If who you think died really did die in there, something had gone terribly wrong.

But it could be any two dead students, right?

When your eyes lock onto Len's blue ones, you see a bit of uncertainty because, just like you, he knows deep down who the dead students are. Unfortunately, he cannot rejoice about the fact that they are dead because he's too busy being worried. Murder was not part of the plan; the plan was for his team to get the girls expelled from school and he knows they wouldn't go far enough to murder students (or at least he hopes they wouldn't, but he could never really tell with those girls). How could he have allowed everything to fall apart?

"Len, are you okay?" You ask from beside him, shaking him from his thoughts. He realizes this should be the other way around—he should be asking you that.

"I...don't know, I'm sorry." He apologizes quietly. It's the first time his plans have ever gone wrong. "I-I wasn't careful enough, I could've—"

Sensing he was becoming frantic, you grab his hand and say, "Calm down, we don't know what happened yet."

You're aware that Len feels confused, probably even a little useless after seeing his "flawless" plan go down in flames so you decide that right now, he just needs you to be by his side. Apparently, others want to be by him too. You aren't sure when they appeared, but Neru and a pink haired boy are suddenly standing next to you two with grave faces.

The pink haired boy wearing a beanie introduces himself to you as "Yuma" who you remember Len mentioning as part of his info squad or something. Len doesn't look the slightest bit happy after he tears his gaze off of you.

"I know it looks bad," Neru starts off cautiously when she takes note of Len's glare, "but I swear we had absolutely nothing to do with this! It's definitely on someone else."

"So, it really is Mari and Mai who are dead?" You ask. Yuma nods, explaining he overheard it from Pico and his mom who are on the scene. You suddenly feel sick to your stomach, nauseous at the idea of it all. Two girls probably just died because of you.

"Oddly enough, they committed suicide. There are letters, but no mention of you or Len anywhere in them. An apology for "failing" was in them, but they didn't address who they were apologizing to."

"But that's good!" Neru cuts in as she grins at you. "Plus, since the police couldn't find any fingerprints on the brick they chucked at you, they can't link you or Len to this case." Neru says and it does relieve you somewhat to know the police won't be stopping by your place, you suppose.

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