Chapter 2

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"All I wanted was to love you..."

"(NAAAAAAAAAAME)~!" An absurdly loud voice calls. You can literally feel the ground shaking and you can only await in horror as your best friend comes charging towards you.

"Please, no..." Is the only thing that comes out of your mouth before you're tackled onto the wooden floor of your kitchen. Rin simply rolls around with you in glee, though you look like you're going to vomit if she keeps it up. "Rin! Stop, stop, stop—I'm gonna' throw up, dammit!" You shout. She immediately comes to a halt and lifts you up with her skinny arms.

"Whoops, sorry," she says and sets you down on your feet. You regret eating so much for breakfast. "Anyway, I have the most wonderful news! I'll tell you after I eat." You watch as she sits down on the kitchen chair and pats the place-mat with an expectant look. Wow, the nerve of this girl. Barges into your house and expects you to make her food...

'That's my best friend...' You think silently and head to the fridge to pour her some orange juice, which she downs in mere seconds. Next thing you know, she's slamming her knife and fork onto the table screaming something about pancakes. You drag a hand down your face and sigh before quickly heating up some pancakes in the microwave to shut her up. It's in this moment that you decide you never want kids.

"Happy?!" You shout, slamming the plate of warm pancakes in front of her. She nods cheerfully and starts eating right away.

"You know, (Name)," Rin says, in the middle of chewing. "You really *chew* are my *gulp* best friend ever! You make me food and put up with me..." She trails off and smiles. You nod absentmindedly and take a bite out of the pancakes yourself, but you're not prepared for what she says next.

"You should totally marry my brother when you grow up!" And with that uncalled for comment, you immediately start choking on the food in your throat. You think you hear a noise nearby, but you're too busy dying to care.

"HEIMLICH MANEUVER!!" Rin screams and your eyes widen because Rin doesn't actually know the Heimlich maneuver. You cough up the pancake while she pounds your back with an unnecessary force.

"(Name), why did you choke like that?!" She asks, crouching next to your body which is now lying on the floor.

"Why did YOU say something like that?! Geez..." You groan and hide your red face in your arm.

"I just meant that we'd be sisters...Sorry, (Name)." Rin pouts. You tiredly pat her leg and contemplate your biggest mistake, which was giving this girl a key to your house so she could come in every morning.

"It's fine. What was the good news that you were gonna tell me?" You ask, still trying to catch your breath.

"Oh, right! My parents are going on a business trip for a couple of months," she says. "Now I can finally invite you to my house~!"

The excitement is clear on your face. Rin's parents are relatively strict and don't let her or Len invite friends over. They want their kids to focus on school, though they never really cared that Rin was always going over to your house. You forced her to study and she's been doing much better in school. Still, you could never quite understand why her parents didn't want you at their place.

"This is great! When are they leaving?"

"Next week~" she squeals, and a huge grin splits across both of your faces. You're both about to yell with joy until you hear a soft voice.

"Rin, you forgot your bag at home." You and Rin look up to see Len leaning against the wall with a blush on his face. With the way he's staring at you, your face is turning slight pink as well as you get up and fix your uniform.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now