Chapter 3

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"Everything is perfect. Everything has come together..."

[One week later]

Coming up with a terrifyingly elaborate plan is no problem for Len. No, not at all. Aside from being one of the most popular boys in school, he is also one of the smartest students in the senior class, currently being the senior valedictorian...with you coming in at a close second, much to your secret dismay. His plan is one that will take a while, but he doesn't mind the slightest bit. The only requirement of his plan is that no one makes a move on you, and he is quite certain that that won't happen. He will simply make sure that they won't.

And how will he do that?


"Goddammit," Len mutters quietly, before scribbling out his plan on his paper. Time to come up with another plan.

"Oi, what are you muttering about?" Rin asks, looking past her brother's shoulder. His eyes widen and he completely shreds the paper before she can even glance at it. She shoots him an annoyed look. "What the hell was that about? Are you hiding a bad grade or something?" Rin asks. He nods and his lips form another one of his fake smiles.

"A-ah, yeah. Just a bad grade, don't tell mom or dad, 'kay?" Len asks, lying straight through his teeth. Either he was a good liar or Rin was really dense because she bought it.

She cringes the slightest bit. "Yikes. Don't worry, bro, I won't! If I tell them today, then they might think twice about leaving on the trip tomorrow."

Tomorrow?! That's when they're leaving? How did a week go by so fast? He wonders nervously. That means he only has today to come up a plan. Wonderful.

Len grits his teeth and sighs. "You're inviting (Name) over tomorrow, right?" He asks, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"Yeah, Lenny, I can't wait! I'm going to invite her over here everyday! She's so excited~! Plus, I have a surprise for her tomorrow. Not sure how she'll react, but maybe she'll like it?" Rin says, though she seems to be troubled by the thought.

"Eh, what's the surprise?"

"Ehehe..." Rin lets out a somewhat evil laugh that suddenly worries Len. "That's a secret."

"...Ok then."



You look at your phone and smile warmly as you answer it.

"Oh, (Naaame)~" A voice sings through the receiver. You switch your phone onto speakerphone before tossing it onto your bed.

"Yeah, Rinny?" You call out, stretching your tired arms out a bit. You can't stop yourself from laughing when you hear her giggling madly.

"Heehee~ how was work?"

"Ugh, the same. However, Kyoya cooked some extra food and let me take it home, so that was nice..."

"Aw, the assistant manager is so sweet! I think he likes you~ You should totally ask him—goddammit, Len! Will you stop growling back there?! What's gotten into you?" She yells. You idly wonder why Len isn't cooped up in his room like usual as you peel off your red and black polo.

"Oi, be nice to your brother, Rin. He might just be having a bad day!" You yell while slipping on a new shirt. You can't tell, but he's smiling pretty big right about now.

"Thank you, (Name)!" You hear him yell.

"Don't talk to her! She's my best friend, get your own!" You can hear a fight break out between them and cough loudly.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now