Chapter 5

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"How about we stop pretending..."

"I wanna' go home~" you whine aloud at work. The assistant manager overhears you and laughs.

"Don't worry, (Name)! Your shift ends soon. I'd let you leave early but the big boss would yell at the both of us...again." He explains with a slight pout. Neither of you like your jobs, but why would you? The smell of fast food and grease lingers on your work clothes after every shift and tolerating some of the morons that come in by drive-through really isn't worth minimum wage.

"Ah, don't worry about it, Kyoya. I just gotta finish up some homework when I get home and meet up with a friend. I'm not in a hurry." You explain and he frowns in distaste.

"Eww, I'm tired of homework too! I have so much left. Man," he sighs, trying to blow his dark bangs out of his eyes because he can't use his filthy work gloves to do so. "Being in college sucks! Everything is so hard."

"University is meant to be hard! However, you're complaining this much and you're only a freshman," you add quietly with a chuckle. Kyoya was only a year or so older than you but he managed to obtain the position as assistant manager after years of working.

"Feh, easy for you to say—you're one of those genius kids. Man, I wish I could be you."

"No you don't, Kyoya; I don't even want to be me," You mumble and he gives you an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I forgot about your situation...But don't worry about it! Things will get better eventually. They always do~" He claims and slings an arm around your shoulder.

"I sure hope so. Anyways, I'm kind of..." you're cut off as your stomach makes a loud noise. "Hungry."

"I told you that you're free to take all the leftovers you want! I don't want you starving when you go home, alright?" He tells you with a frown. You smile at his concern for you and sigh. Sure, leftover food was a nice perk for working at the restaurant, but eating fast food was only an option when you were desperate.

"How 'bout a deal? I do your homework when you need help and you make me food whenever you have time. Deal?"

"Sure! I just looove cooking~ Nothing makes me happier than food!" he says, a cat like grin spreading over his face. He reminded you of a cat with those narrow, golden eyes and black hair. You petted him once on accident, but it wasn't like he minded.

"Anyway, since I'm in such a wonderful mood, I am giving us the permission to leave early!"

"Uhh, I don't think you can do that..."

"I technically can't, but I need you to do my homework and you need me to cook, so let's go~"

You roll your eyes and grin. The world was so cruel to you. Why couldn't you be blessed with a brother like Kyoya instead of the one you have now?


Len sits in front of your driveway waiting for you to come home. Usually, he'd stalk you at work and watch you there, but since you're going to spend the day together, he has to stay here and wait. Eventually, the mailman drives up.

"Afternoon, Len! Is (Name) home? She's got a rather heavy package this time..." The mailman says, weighing the yellow package in his hand. Len eyes it and sends the man a polite smile.

"No, I'm waiting for her to come home. I can guard her mail if you give it to me, though."

"Err...Sure, why not?" He leaves the mail to Len and drives off to the next house. Normally, he isn't supposed to leave mail to anyone than who it belongs to, but Len is a trustworthy boy, right?

"What's in this..?" Len wonders aloud before sitting again. Blue eyes scan the address and Len frowns when he sees that it's from America. "Tch, it's from her stupid mother. I wonder how much she sent this time." The package weighs a bit as if it were filled with lots of paper, but he isn't ready to believe that your mother sent that much money to you. Temptation slowly overcomes the blond boy and he lifts the sticky seal by a few centimeters until he can see what's inside.

There doesn't seem to be any money at all in there. Just loads of paper... Instantly, bothersome thoughts hurl themselves at him. What if your mom was finally coming back? What if she's going to drag you to America? What if you were taken away from him again?

"No, no, no..." Len whispers and sweat forms on his forehead, despite the cold weather. Throwing all reason aside, he starts to carefully undo the whole seal to take out the papers. When his eyes scan over the first one, everything around him seems to freeze.

How will you react when you find out your mother is dead?

"...That everything will be alright."

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now