Chapter 8

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"If my life is finally starting to come together..."

"So, what do you guys think?" You ask. Your jacket is wrapped loosely around your hips as you examine your new room. You cross your arms when you see Rin looking around with a disapproving stare.

"It needs more orange!" Rin claims with a nod. Len seems to disagree.

"I like it. It's a lot like (Name)," Len says thoughtfully and you smile in response.

"See? At least Len knows great things when he sees them," you say and rest and arm on his shoulder like you usually would with Rin. He smirks, hooking an arm around your waist and Rin growls.

"Get your hands off of her, boy! Like what are you, my replacement?" Rin asks with a sneer. Len wants to say 'yes' but stops himself.

"Replacement? I'm (Name)'s friend as well. So...get over it, brat."


"You're both anti-social, so I guess it makes sense." Rin comments sarcastically. You and Len exchange annoyed glances at her words. She wouldn't get it, would she? Rin was surrounded by different groups of friends in the last four years of high school, while you and Len were trying to focus on the important things. After middle school, Len was forced to focus on becoming the perfect student, and you had to struggle to pay your bills alone. It was only natural that both of you eventually started to become distanced from other people.

"I guess it does," you say. "That's why Len and I are hanging out today, right?" You ask and nudge him in the side.

"Oh, yeah! We were supposed to hang out yesterday. I think you could use a day out, too," Len says and quickly walks out of the room before throwing you a sly glance that screams 'let's ditch Rin.' You follow him out while Rin stands there trying to comprehend what's going on and by the time she figures it out, you and Len have already sprinted outside and hopped into his parents' car.

"Ice cream?" He asks, trying to catch his breath as he reverses out of the driveway.

"Hah...I don't see why not," you say and put on your seat-belt, "but you better hurry, Rin's catching up!" Sure enough, there is an angry blonde girl running behind the car, screaming profanities all the while. Len adjusts the rearview mirror and rolls his eyes at the sight.

"What a heathen. Couldn't she at least have put on some shoes?" He asks and you start bursting into laughter. It often surprises you how Len and Rin could be so different and similar at the same time. Back in elementary school, he was just like her. They were both lively children. After all these years, it seemed like everything is finally going back to normal.

"Aw, I kinda' feel bad that we left her behind now," you say as you see Rin's form growing smaller the further you drive off.

"Don't be. Consider this payback for what she did the other day. Anyway, there's a shop near our house than Rin recommends; wanna go there?" Len asks and you agree, though you regret it instantly when you actually reach the ice cream shop. Your face slowly pales as Len parks the car. You made the mistake of going in there once. Sure, they had great ice creams and shakes, but it was also very crowded inside.

'Crap, there's a lot of cars here...' Len thinks and quickly glances at you. You look just as worried. 'No, it's not a problem. I'll protect her if anything happens.'

Without another word, you both get out of the car and head into the large ice cream shop. The moment you enter, a bell above you rings and everyone's eyes are on you and Len. You immediately want to run out, but Len catches your arm and pulls you beside him.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now