Chapter 11

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"Even though I'm not as oblivious as you think I am..."

Len's scowl deepens as he leans forward in his seat, almost ready to just leave the whole damn place. The number of girls that are staring at him is ridiculous. Shouldn't they be more focused on the group singing on the stage? He glares at the crowd of younger girls before directing his attention back to his sister who's the lead singer for the song. Miku and Gumi are supposedly up next, but they have to make a last-minute change with their song choice since the one they wanted to sing was apparently too violent for the audience. Not that he's surprised; those two girls have always been weird.

Then again, all of their songs are rather disturbing, Len thinks as he remembers the one Kaito was singing. Something about 'Uninstall' or whatever (though, Len was never going to openly admit he liked the song). He watches with relief as his sister walks off the stage, which means the stupid competition is finally over and he can go home soon.

At least, that's what he thought. When he reaches the backstage to talk to Rin, she crushes his hopes.

"You dummy, we have to stay an extra hour till the judges come up with the results. Can't blame them, though. You can't judge this sort of magnificence in a mere five minutes!" Rin says and proudly points to herself. The other group members cough in annoyance and Len finally notices them.

"Look, I wanna' go home. Can I just take the car and leave? You can have one of those guys drop you home, can't you?"

"What? Nooo, I want you to be here when they tell us the results! For now, you have to hang out with us...unless you want to be swarmed by those girls again~"

"Ugh," Len groans at this lose-lose situation and takes a seat in one of the chairs that was set up for the members. "Fine, but you owe me, got it?"

Rin cheers but the rest of the members look a bit uncomfortable, save for Gakupo and Luka who look emotionless as ever, and Meiko who looks annoyed. After everyone takes their seats, Miku is the first to break the silence.

"So, Len...It's been awhile since we've all been together, hasn't it?"

He doesn't even look at her.

"Yeah, sure. Your point?"

"Eh, well. Y'know. It's kinda like the good ol' times when we'd all sing in choir, right? Back when things were..." Miku trails off and looks at the other group members for help.

"Better?" Gumi asks.

"Yeah. Better."

Len glances at his watch and sighs. It's going to be a long hour...

"You guys need to stop being so awkward! Geez," Rin pouts and crosses her arms in her seat. "Oh, Len? When does (Name) get off work? I can't believe she couldn't take off work today!"

"She's not gonna' be off till 8 o'clock. Speaking of which, the both of us need to talk to you tonight..." He says and feels uncomfortable when Rin sends a creepy grin his way.

"Yup! And I know exactly what about," she says. "The guys know all about it, too; you and (Name) have been pretty obvious about it~"

"Um, what?"

"You and (Name)? You guys are dating, aren't you?"

Len lets out the loudest, awkward laugh ever before glaring daggers at his twin. "Rin, would you come with me for a second?" He asks, though he doesn't even wait for her to comply. He drags her far away from the group so no one can hear them.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now