Chapter 31

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[A/n]: This chapter gets a bit intense at times, but it's not too bad. It has your typical yandere behavior, so I've added a few trigger warnings below, just in case! Just one more chapter left after this :'D I really don't know how everyone's going to feel about this chapter, but I hope you all enjoy it!

TW: Violence, gore, implications of noncon acts, murder.


"If it all ends like this..."

The warehouse isn't far from your place. The drive there is quiet, save for the sound of Meiko's mixtape blaring through the speakers. Neither of you make conversation when you're too busy stewing in your own thoughts.

Meiko is the kind of driver who runs a few stop signs and speeds 20 mph over the limit, but tonight she tries delaying the inevitable by following everything she once learned from the driver's manual. Three times during the drive, Meiko considers turning back to let you deal with the danger by yourself. You two aren't close; you aren't even friends. As much as she wants Miku to suffer, she questions if risking her own life to help you and Len is a fair price for it.

When she pulls into the empty parking lot of the abandoned warehouse, she curses herself. It's too late to back out.

"I don't see anyone," you comment, quickly undoing your seat belt whereas Meiko takes her sweet time. Len and the others are supposed to be outside the building, but since they're not, you assume Len fell for Kaito's lie and rushed into the building. You don't know what Miku will do to Len, but you know she has no limits—no morals. The fear of what she's doing to him has you stumbling out of the car, bolting towards the warehouse before Meiko can stop you.

"Hold on!" she barks out, but you've already pulled the doors open and you skid to a stop, flailing a bit when you almost trample over someone's body.


A few feet away from his unmoving body is Piko, who is writhing on the ground. Tears sting at your eyes when you see the young boy's hand getting brutally crushed beneath a girl's shoe. There are two injured girls standing over Piko's broken body, sneering down at him for no reason other than the fact that he is Len's friend while they are not.

In the dark entrance of the building, you see multiple unconscious bodies, some of which you recognize as the kind girls who considered themselves a part of Len's loyal army. They've always respected you even though you're dating their idol, and now they're scattered across the room, having lost a battle that was never theirs to fight. Even Oliver is passed out in the corner, his bandages torn off his face, and you're wondering how two girls overpowered eight people until you notice the amount of weapons they carry.

The two girls tormenting Piko are heavily bleeding as well (you're pretty sure that's Yuma's favorite mechanical pencil sticking out of one of the girl's legs) so it's clear Len's group didn't go down without a fight.

Right when the girls notice you, Meiko rushes in from behind you, swinging her weapon and knocking out both girls with blows to their heads. The noise the titanium bat makes as it cracks against the back of their skulls almost has Meiko worried that she killed them, but she couldn't help the reckless action after seeing Piko in such a state.

You kneel down next to Yuma first, confirming that he's still alive when you place your fingers on his pulse. You then move on to Piko, and his eyes are fluttering open and shut as reveals the object he was shielding with his hand. He'd been trying to hide his phone screen because he sent his location and an SOS message to his parents. Piko sniffles, looking remorseful. He knows Len didn't want the police knowing they were involved in any of this, but it's unavoidable now.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now