Chapter 7

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"Slowly but surely, I will steal your heart..."

"Wow, your brother is an asshole." Len says, when you finish telling him and Rin what just occurred a few hours ago.

"Len, you know you'd do the same thing to me if that happened to us," Rin quips in with a roll of her eyes. Len struggles to fight down a smirk.

"Yeah, true––Ow! I was kidding, jeez," he says, guarding himself from the throw pillow that Rin opted to beat him with. He spares a quick glance at your expression and you look very troubled. Thankfully for you, he and Rin know why. "(Name), you gonna be alright?"

Your (e/c) eyes meet his and you quickly respond. "Oh yeah, I'll be okay. Despite what happened, I'm still sort of worried for Hitori. It turns out that our mom illegally cosigned a loan with him when he was younger for the house. I don't even want to know how she got it approved," you mutter, disgust laced in your tone. Len and Rin exchange glances and realize they are both concerned about something else.

"Uhh, I'll be back. Lenny, keep (Name) company!" She demands before running upstairs. With your arms around your knees and chin resting on them, Len can't help but notice how weak you look. He knows that things are going terribly for you now, but he can only see it as a sign. Every time something bad happens to you, he would get closer to you. You truly are an unfortunate person, he thinks with a frown.

He is going to do everything in his power to make you happy again.

After a few minutes of silence, from the corner of his eye, he can see his sister in the hallway frantically motioning for him to come upstairs. He grins and nods before standing up. On the other hand, all you notice is his shadow looming over your sitting form.

His hand reaches out towards you and you take it in yours. "Is something wrong?" You ask as he helps you to your feet.

"Just come with me." He says quietly. With his hand in yours, you can't help but blush a little. He leads you up the stairs and the nostalgia hits you like a truck since you haven't set foot in the second story of their house in many years. You faintly remember running up here with the twins as a child long before good grades meant anything to their parents. How things changed over time always managed to surprise you. Most things changed for the worse, such as your relationship with your family...or your life in general, but you couldn't help deny that some things had changed for the better over time. For example, your relationship with Rin and Len. Your grades, your looks, apparently––even Len's looks. You nearly stop dead in your tracks when the last thought enters your head. When Len stops and faces you directly, your eyes accidentally sweep over his form for the first time in a while.

'Whoa,' you almost whistle aloud. 'No wonder he has so many fangirls.'

And then you blush profusely for thinking such things at such a time. You'd never been interested in him before! Why was this happening now? You mentally slap yourself as Len shoots you a confused look. He can't help but wonder if you blatantly checked him out a few seconds ago, but seeing how red your face is, he'd like to think you had.

"Heh...Um, Rin!" He calls out and cranes his head to look into the room she was in. "You done yet?"

"Yeah, come on in!" She yells back. He grins and takes your hand again to pull you inside a room. "Ta-da! Know whose room this is, (Name)?" Rin asks. You scan the plain room and you immediately realize what the twins have done.

"You're okay with me staying here?" You ask unsurely. The twins stand beside each other and nod eagerly. You weren't surprised that they'd offer, really. You were just surprised that you never got a chance to ask them if you could stay in the first place.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now