Chapter 15

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"Jealousy is a dangerous emotion..."

After coming back from work, you fell face front onto the couch in the living room. It was exhausting at work today. You told Kyoya about how Len asked you out in front of everyone in school today and then he told everyone at work. To make things worse, he'd told your coworkers that you're living together which caused the elders in your workplace to grin at you suggestively, secretly giving you a thumbs up just to embarrass you. You could only tell them with a blushing face that it wasn't like that, but they were all happy because, for once, you could be happy. After seeing Kyoya so happy for you, you couldn't tell him that your relationship isn't as beautiful as it seems, so you didn't.

It's not like you aren't happy, though. You just feel...confused. Not much made sense anymore–not you, not Len–absolutely nothing. What if you made the wrong choice? What exactly do you even want?

You turn your body around on the couch and cover your eyes with your arm. You really are unlucky. To the whole world, you may seem blessed with your excellent grades and your wonderful new boyfriend, but they're all wrong. You were almost as unlucky as they came and the worst part is that no one else can see that. They'll never see what you had to give up during your years in high school; they will only see what you have gained. But isn't that also your fault? They can't see anything when your walls shield you from them.

Maybe that's what bothered you the most.

Checking your trademark wristwatch from Rin, your hand reaches down to grab your school bag, but somehow ends up grabbing a throw pillow instead. It's already 7PM and you still have homework to do, but you're also very tired and Len isn't home for some reason, seeing how the car is gone. You shift a bit to put the pillow behind your head.

You stifle a yawn with the back of your hand and shut your eyes. "A twenty minute nap can't hurt..."

Twenty minutes turns into two hours.

When Len comes home from wherever he was, he sees you sprawled on the couch and notices the black and red polo you're sporting, then realizing you fell asleep after coming home from work. He often insists that you should quit your job as you no longer have to pay bills, but you refused. You refused to stay here as a freeloader and that was that.

Walking towards your sleeping form, he places a small black bag next to his feet and shakes you lightly.

"(Name)? Hey, wake up..." He whines a little and shakes you again. You mumble something that vaguely sounds like 'screw off' in your nap and he flinches back. Maybe it's best to let you sleep, seeing how mad you can get if you're disturbed. Instead of waking you, he saunters off into the kitchen and decides to make dinner for the two of you since it is his turn to do so anyway. Hopefully, you won't mind some instant ramen today.

After he finishes making dinner, he brings the steaming cups into the living room and sits on the couch across from you. Len finds himself a little tempted to take more pictures of your peaceful sleeping face but decides against it. He has no need for pictures anymore, and why should he? He finally has you to himself! A grin makes its way onto his face as he thinks about it. Today in school, everybody has learned that you now belong to him and he now belongs to you. If a guy like Kaito so much as looks at you, he'll make them regret it.

So lost in his thoughts again, he doesn't notice you waking up.

"I haven't seen you smile in a while," you remark as you sit up and rub your eyes.

"Well, what can I say? Today you've made me the happiest man alive," He says, handing you a cup of ramen. "I really mean that, (Name)."

Despite being a little groggy, a blush makes its way to your face. The best part about having someone as obsessive as Len in love with you is that he truly means it.

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