Chapter 6

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"The bond of your family has been severed..."

"Ah, what to do, what to do?" Len repeats as he reads the paper over for the fifth time. What is going to happen to you now that your mother is gone for good? There would be no one to send you that extra money you needed, which at least covered the electricity and water bills. There was no way that you could possibly last five more months with the money you made alone. Then again, there were also five months until the two of you graduated high school. The two of you are as bright as students could be, so you were already offered many scholarships. If you could hold on for a few months, you'd be able to stay in a dorm if things went well.

Len glances around to make sure no one is around the street or watching him before dashing off into his house. Frantically kicking off his shoes, he heads for his room.

"Hey, Len––"

"Not now," Len tells his sister as he bounds up the stairs.

"Geez," Kaito says, chewing on a wooden ice-cream stick that he likely finished an hour ago. "Your twin sure is uptight lately..."

"Yeah, what's up with him?" Mikuo asks, warily glancing where Len haphazardly kicked his shoes off.

"I dunno, who cares about that? You two need to finish this project already!" Rin commands and the two boys sigh in unison.

Upstairs, Len reaches his room and locks the door behind him, setting your other mail at his desk.

"What'll happen to her? What if she leaves me?" He whispers and the questions he asks himself are on the verge of causing him a panic attack. He sits down and tries to think. Say you do find out that your mom is dead; will you lose the house? But what if you never find out that your mom is dead?

No, that's just wrong. He couldn't hide that from you.

"Ugh, dammit..." He checks his phone and sees a message from you.

1:35 PM (Name):

Hey Len I might be a little late, so I'll be home in around 20 minutes

He looks at the time and it's already 1:45 PM. Len quickly puts the papers back into the package and grabs the rest of the mail before he rushes back downstairs and out of the door, leaving the group confused again.

"Hmm, so your brother is a fast runner and he's smart, but what else does he have going for him? But like, what do chicks see in him? I don't get it..." Kaito asks and scratches his head, obviously confused as to why he has less fangirls than Len. Mikuo shakes his head and Rin keeps a blank expression, ignoring the blue-haired boy's entire existence right now.

When Len rushes outside, he sees you get out of an old blue car and wave goodbye to Kyoya, who he'll worry about later. He makes his way towards you and tries to get his breath back before you notice.

"H-hey, (Name)! I-I got your mail for y-you," he stutters out and you grin.

"Thanks... Um, are you okay? You look a little red. You're not sick, are you?" You ask, putting the back of your hand on his forehead. He's suddenly glad that the collar of his shirt covers most of his neck because he's pretty sure it's turning red. "Eh, you feel fine, I guess..." You trail off as you notice the yellow package.

"O-oh, this? Um, the address says it's from America, so I'm guessing it's from your mom," he replies.

As if he didn't know...

Your eyes widen as you smile nervously. "Oh, I'll deal with it later...Well, anyway, Kyoya made extra food for Rin. Mind if I come in and give it to her?"

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now