Chapter 22

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"Hey... Do you ever wonder if..."

Len wakes up when he hears the loud creaking noise of a door opening. Considering his blinds are always closed, it's a little dark in his room so he can't make out much besides a shadow of a figure coming towards him. Being half awake, he thinks he's dreaming, but everything feels too real...

"(N-Name)? Is 'at you?" he slurs sleepily, lowering his right hand to randomly grab at whoever climbed into his bed with him. Long slender fingers accidentally latch onto soft bare skin and he hears a barely audible gasp following the action. His eyes widen as he swallows thickly. Yup, that's you alright.

"A-ah..." Your face is burning as you slowly wrench off the hand that is way too close to your inner thigh. "Oi, be careful, " you say, clearly sounding more embarrassed than irritated. Len only lets out an airy laugh as an apology before he lazily drags his hand up to your waist instead. "Sorry to wake you. Umm, can I sleep with you?" you whisper, resting a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly feeling wide awake, he nods eagerly.

"Sure!" He just did an awful job hiding the excitement in his voice. "Err...I mean, it's cool, I don't mind."

Nice save.

By the time you realize this is a bad idea, putting distance between you two isn't an option anymore—not with his iron grip around your waist. As dark as the room is, you could clearly see the dark grin he wore.

"Len, I came here to sleep," you whine, after feeling a warm pair of lips attach themselves to your jawline. You felt those lips smirk at the comment.

"Oh, c'mon (Name), I thought we already established what'd happen if you come in here at night..." He murmurs against your collarbone, sliding a warm hand under the back of your thin t-shirt. He's not wrong.

Sometime during your stay in the Kagamine house, Len was the one who reluctantly decided that it probably wasn't a good idea for you to share a bed. For one, Len lacks a bit of self control, and you have a very hard time telling him 'no.'

So much for getting sleep tonight.


When Len wakes up, he finds no one beside him. There is no trace of you ever being there and he's wondering if he dreamed the whole thing up. Usually his dreams concerning you were a bit more...graphic, to say in the very least, so he's a tad bit confused. The boy either had nightmares of you leaving him, or some pretty great dreams of you. Regardless, he's thankful it wasn't another nightmare.

"Weird," he mutters, running a hand through his messy blond locks. Looking at the digital clock on his dresser, he's alarmed to see he slept until noon but then realizes he doesn't have school the next few days because of the double suicide that occurred on school grounds. Maybe if more of his evil fangirls died, you two could score some more days off from school?

He mentally questions at what point in his life he started to think it was normal to have horrible thoughts like this.

As he stumbles his way out of his room, he wonders if you're sleeping in today. Simply by coincidence, you open your door at the same exact time he does and walk out completely shirtless...and male.


Len lets out a terrified shriek because, for a moment, he thinks this is the nightmare—you've magically turned into a boy and female-you is gone forever, so now he's going to die alone and—

"Oh hey, bro-in-law, long time no see! Didn't mean to scare ya." Hitori laughs awkwardly as he brushes away the (h/c) bangs from his eyes. "Sorry I overslept! You see, I was supposed to be outta here before you woke up..."

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now