Chapter 14

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"Once you tell him 'yes...'"

It disturbs Len a little. How his life eventually turned out, that is.

How could someone like him, who was trained throughout nearly four of his high school years to become perfect, morph into such an obsessive, unstable boy like this? Here he is sitting at the foot of your door trying to figure out whether or not you really forgave him last night. You never verbally said you fact, he wasn't really sure about last night events at all, despite it being only a few hours ago. You had excused yourself and went to bed immediately after making dinner. Biting the nail of his thumb, his leg goes numb once again from his cross-legged position, though he doesn't notice as nothing can distract him from his thoughts.

He doesn't even notice the sound of your door opening and you definitely would've stepped on him had you not turned your room light on. Neither of you say anything at all for a moment; you simply stare at each other in complete awkward silence.

It unnerves him a little at how you're staring him down and waiting for him to explain, yet he can't seem to, so he looks away.

"Two nights without sleep can't be good for anyone," you finally say in a soft voice. Your eyes brush over his form and you can see how tired he is physically and mentally. It saddens you a little to see him this way; how broken he can manage to look when he's all alone. It makes you wonder how many other sides there are to him.

He doesn't respond for a while, but when he does, you notice he sounds as broken as he looks. "I-I couldn't. I need to know something before I can."

"What is it?"

" forgive me?"

Part of you wishes that you stayed in your room.

"Does it really matter to you that much?" You ask him after thinking for a moment.

He nods and sits up taller.

"More than anything, (Name). Please," he begs, reaching up to put your hands into his. "Answer me."

You sigh a bit and observe his hands that are intertwined with yours, noting that the fingernails on his left hand are all bitten down.

"You know, I'm not so sure I forgive you at all," you tell him, watching his worried expression change into one that looks horrified as you pull your hands out of his. "After a while, I found that I was mad at something different. I'm not mad at you for stalking me, but I still can't seem to forgive you for leaving me all alone when we started high school. It really did break my heart, y'know? Having your only friend ignore you for no reason...It hurt me more than anything. It made me hate myself for driving the most important person to me away."

He swallows thickly and looks away. Usually, it is you who is too afraid to look others in the eye, but right now, it's him. He cannot face the emotion so evident in your eyes this time, so he sadly replies: "I never knew I made you go through that."

"And after a while," you continue on, fisting the thin material of your shorts in your hand, "I never wanted a best friend again. I was terrified of driving away another one, but then Rin came back into my life. She's your twin; she looked so much like you that I wanted nothing to do with her, yet she kept following me...and then we became best friends. And now? Well, you of all people should know what happened, Len."

He watches you warily with a worried expression on his face. "W-what do you mean by that? What happened?"

'No, she couldn't know...'

"You drove her away," you say, though not in an accusing manner. "You sent in her application for that stupid Vocaloid program. I already asked the woman in the main office; she said you asked for the papers, so don't deny it."

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now