Chapter 23

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"I want to believe that there's a happy ending..."

You're weaving your way through students to get to class when you spot a certain red-headed girl staring quizzically into her locker up ahead. Apparently, you stare too long because she notices you. Though you're not overjoyed at the idea of talking to her, you're at least relieved to see that she looks a bit livelier compared to when you saw her a week ago.

"I-Is something wrong?" You ask when you stop by her locker.

She frowns. "Not sure. I think someone stole something from my locker. Maybe it was one of my fans..." Meiko suggests unsurely. You had your locker busted open that other week with death threats, so her predicament isn't sitting too well with you.

"What's missing?"

"Not much. Just some red yarn I used for a home-ec class. Maybe I just misplaced it because now that I think of it, I haven't seen it inside here for over a week." She says and you freeze. It was her red yarn tied on the brick that was thrown at you just a week ago. This doesn't really sound like a coincidence.

Your mouth feels dry all of a sudden. "W-When you say over a week, does ten or so days sound right?"

She stills for a moment and then nods slowly, all while wondering why your face is turning pale. In your mind, you suddenly realize that Meiko likely isn't the ringleader of Len's crazy fangirls, which is good, but also bad because now you really have no idea who's trying to harm you. The fact that someone was trying to frame her for their crime is unsettling and it also makes you believe that she might be in danger now. She stares at you oddly as you reach into your bag's side pocket for some paper and hastily write something on it.

"Here, this is my number," you say, slipping the small paper into her hand. "I can't go into detail now but please text me sometime soon...I think you might be in danger, too." You mutter. To think, just two months ago, you wouldn't dream of trusting her with your phone number, and now you're willingly offering it. Surprisingly, she simply nods and accepts it. From the look on her face, you can tell she already knows she's been caught up in something dangerous. Meiko mutters a quiet 'thanks' before leaving and you head to your next class as well. 

Or at least you try to.

"You can't trust her."

"I...what?" You blink owlishly, trying to comprehend where the teal haired girl came from. Len is right; without him by your side, everyone really does bother you. No wonder the boy is always paranoid to leave you by yourself. "Miku, w-who can't I trust?" You inwardly cringe at how meek you sound and wonder if you'll ever stop stuttering when a popular kid talks to you.

Her aquamarine eyes dart around the crowded hallway, checking to see if it's safe to speak before she whispers the name. "I'm talking about Neru, I think she's the one who's been after you this whole time!" Her words are rushed out because she knows it's only a matter of time before you're surrounded by your blond "bodyguards" again.

You nearly scoff, staring at her with disbelief. "Why would you think that? I thought you told me to watch out for Meiko?"

"I think she's dangerous, too, make no mistake," Miku warns and her expression shows she's quite serious about this. "But Neru used to really like Len in middle school, remember?"

You frown at her claim. If she did, it was a secret to you back then.

"W-what if she never stopped loving him?! She might be getting close to you so she can get to him and ruin you at the same time!" Miku continues, each word coming out faster than the last. Her eyes are wide with some emotion, but you don't register it as you can't keep the nerve to hold eye contact for more than a few seconds.

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