Chapter 28

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"I am going to protect you..."

Len drops a notebook onto the dining table you're studying at and you stare at it blankly before looking up at him with a questioning gaze.

He sighs at your lack of enthusiasm before saying, "You could look impressed, you know. The cumulative efforts of our planning rests in this notebook!"

You hum. "By 'our,' you mean yourself, Piko, Oliver, Yuma and Neru, right?"


"And not me because you, once again, chose to leave me out of it," you finish flatly, drumming your fingers against the table as you stare him down.

He falters slightly. "Aha, y-yes...also correct. But just know that we're only leaving you out of it to keep you safe, okay?" He sits down next to you at the table and rests his hands over yours. You notice there's a slight shake to his hands, a sign that the caffeine he's been on has been taking its toll. "All of this is to make sure you never get hurt. Trust us on this one."

You look away from his eyes, not wanting to be swayed so easily by his charms like you always are. He loves you without a doubt, but you hate how he and his friends almost treat you like a damsel in distress. You're better than that; you're intelligent and you can fight better than Len for sure. Why can't he see that you aren't afraid of getting hurt?

You exhale slowly, not wanting to get into an argument about this—not when he's been so stressed and exhausted.

"So here's the plan we came up with." He points to his notebook with the most abysmal handwriting you've ever seen. It definitely wasn't his. "Commit it to memory because I'm burning these pages later," he states.

You hardly glance at it. "Is this a plan that will keep you out of prison?" you ask.

"Me?" He frowns, and the fact that he even has to ponder it makes alarms sound off in your head. "Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, what's going to happen is that Miku and Gumi are going to die."

"Oi!" You lightly smacked him on the arm and he chuckled, using his notebook as a shield. "That is not okay, Len. None of your plans better involve any death—you hear me?"

He grumbles with a small pout on his face before flicking his wrist, rapidly flipping through the pages to something even less legible than before. "Fine, look at Plan F, then," he says, pushing the book towards you.

You're going to pretend that he didn't just skip plans B through E because they all involved someone dying in them.

You make a grabby motion with your left hand towards him and he slips off his reading glasses, passing them to you. Even with them held up to your eyes, you can barely read whoever's atrocious handwriting this was. Maybe it's a good thing that you can't read it well because you only have one thought about it.

'This dumb,' you conclude once you finish reading. The general gist of it was to anonymously call Miku and her crew out at school during night and then force them to admit their crimes on recording...Like, what? How would that work? The method of force was not mentioned either, which was concerning.

"I'm sorry," you start off, taking his glasses off your face so you can hit him with the most unimpressed look ever, "did a ten year old come up with this?"

"Tch, no..." Len scoffs before looking the other way, slightly embarrassed now. "Piko happens to be thirteen."

The laugh that left you sounded completely of disbelief. You slumped back into your seat with a hand over your eyes. "At this rate, the ones dying will be us."

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now