Chapter 32 - End

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"Even if we'll never be okay..."

Sometimes, when it feels like things are finally coming to an end, it's just the beginning of another nightmare.

It was no surprise when your story took the country by storm overnight. The absurdity of your fight with Miku swept across school, exploded across social media and reached every news station around. It was such an outlandish tale that no one believed it until your video recordings in the warehouse somehow surfaced on the web, spreading like a wildfire and getting removed each time for its disturbing content. All the evidence you'd collected against Miku and her followers resulted in an open-and-shut case. Miku remains trapped in a mental institution until she's no longer deemed a threat, which is never, while Gumi and the other girls are serving their prison sentences.

You only survived that fateful night due to pure luck, which was funny because your unlucky streak immediately came back full-force and rubbed off on others this time.

Rin dropped out of the Vocaloid program early to come home. The day after she returned, her parents also came back prematurely from their overseas business venture when the police contacted them. You reluctantly left Len so his parents wouldn't find out you'd been secretly living in their house. However, it only took two days for Len's separation anxiety to become so severe that his parents had you move in with them to fix him—as if you could magically put Len back together the way he was before Miku tried to take him apart. You did move back in, but you couldn't repair his broken mind when yours was just as damaged.

As if your mental state wasn't bad enough, your full-ride scholarship—the literal thing your future was riding on—was withdrawn. Your acts of violence in the leaked evidence videos raised concerns with the university board and although they didn't recant Len's scholarship, he'd turned them down when they rejected you. In the end, it was for the best. You and Len wanted to escape the country, so you applied to a university in America and shared a nice apartment during your undergrad years—courtesy of Len's parents, who preferred you both gone at that point. They truly loved Len, but when they couldn't fix the son they'd spent a lifetime perfecting, they just couldn't come to terms with it.

Your move was supposed to be a fresh start, but sometimes there is no such thing...

Because some things you leave behind in the past will always find a way to catch up to you.


"I visited Miku the other day."

In the seven years that passed since Miku's arrest, not a single one of your friends had uttered such a statement.

"...It was nice talking with you all." Len reaches for the mouse to end the video call with his sister and your other friends.

"Wait! I just wanted to see if she was miserable—sheesh," Rin responds defensively. "For the record, she is. They had to sedate her after I told her about my Australia tour and my album sales this year!" She giggles conceitedly as she recounts her story, but Len's blocking her out, not wanting to be reminded that Miku still exists.

"We're proud of you, Rin," you tell her.

'You could at least sound like it,' she thinks, staring back at your impassive gaze on her screen.

Rin sighs because she knows you can't help it. You and Len might be alive, but all that's left of you two are these boring, empty husks. What a shame that you're hiding yourselves away from the world, no longer living, but mindlessly existing. If it weren't for these monthly video calls, Rin is sure she'd never see you and her twin at all. But you need your friends, she thinks. In her mind, she's certain that she and the others will turn you and Len back to normal someday and will be the ones to save you both.

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