Chapter 29

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"If you ignore the sins he's committed..."

When the next day comes, a deep sense of dread fills you from the very moment you wake up and remember what today is. Len is already up and about in your shared room, making multiple calls on his phone to go over the plans with his friends, and Neru is sitting at the foot of your bed.

You rub your face tiredly, checking your phone to see that it's barely 6AM. "Hey...When did you get here?" you ask.

As soon as the blonde looks up from her own phone, the first thing you notice are the poorly concealed dark circles under her eyes illuminated by the screen. "Morning, sunshine! I got here an hour ago. By the way, you never told me you slept in the same bed as your boyfriend!" she says scandalously whilst waggling her eyebrows at you. You cover your tired face with an arm and she uses her long ponytail to whack your leg. "Up, up! We've got a big day today!"

You swat at her and slump back into your pillow instead. "Don't you mean you have a big day? I'm not even involved in the plans," you complain, glaring slightly at Len who's looking outside the window as he speaks to Yuma over the phone. Maybe it's the dim morning light playing tricks on you, but the way Len mindlessly taps his fingers against the windowsill as his eyes rapidly scan the streets makes him look like a maniac. You shut your eyes at the sight.

"Again, you don't need to be there; we've got it under control. Step one is already complete!" she says with a cat-like grin. Your blank look forces her to elaborate further. "Piko used a burner phone to tell Miku that Haruka and Gin are gonna tell the police everything she made them do."

"Has he sent her their location yet?" you ask.

"We will after school. The girls are still hiding out in that abandoned warehouse, so we'll tail Miku there and film whatever happens next."

There's the part that makes zero sense to you.

"What if she seriously harms them? How would you give the video evidence to the police and then explain why you never called for them to help?"

"Duh, we'll send it to the cops anonymously. We'll leave that to Yuma since he's the expert with that sorta stuff." Neru says. She then emits an excited noise out of nowhere as she falls sideways onto the bed, which has Len covering his other ear with an annoyed look. "Ahh, I can't wait! After all this time, we're gonna expose Miku for who she really is! I cannot wait to trash her reputation. Do you think she'll die in prison?" Neru asks you with a hopeful look in her bright eyes.

You shrug, brushing your tangled hair with your fingers. "Maybe she and Gumi will end up in an asylum instead?"

She kicks her legs up before rolling around, looking the happiest you've seen her in ages. "I hope she gets the maximum sentence!" she says and you snort in response, resting your elbows on your knees.

"Wouldn't you rather she get help? If she ever got released from prison, it'd be ideal if she came out well-adjusted," you pointed out.

Neru scrunches up her face at your rationality and blows a raspberry at you, earning her a flick to the forehead. You glance at Len and realize he's in no state to be making breakfast today, so you rise from his comfy bed to get ready for school.

Once you're done getting dressed, Neru attempts to help you make breakfast downstairs, but causes so much trouble that you force her to sit down and distract her with the games on your phone. At first, she looks appalled at being treated like a child, but not even a minute later, she's happily watering your plants for you in your farming game.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now