Chapter 10

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"Didn't you know that stealing is a crime?"

Another week passes by faster than you can realize. Perhaps it is because you were spending all your time with Len recently. Whatever it was, you were thankful. The faster the days go by, the sooner till Rin's singing competition, which means you'll be able to hang out with her again.

At least, you hope so.

Rin and the other members of the Big Eight were getting even closer as time went by. Of course, it was only natural. They had been friends in choir for many years and now, as they prepare for one of the most important events in their lives, they seem inseparable. You sometimes found yourself wishing you had many friends like Rin did, but when you had Len around you, that wish would fade away just like the others.

Slowly walking down the hallway, you head for the office to meet up with Len but unfortunately, someone stops you.

"Ah, (Name)! Hold up, will ya?" A boyish voice yells from the other side of the hallway. You close your eyes and hold in a frustrated sigh as you turn around, hair fluttering behind you. The dread of speaking to another person—even worse, a boy—starts to wash over you.

"Kaito! H-hey, what's up?" you ask, trying to avoid his bright blue eyes. Your fingers involuntarily twitch from anticipation.

"Oh, nothing. I gotta' skip lunch because the guys and me have to practice for the competition this week. Ahh, I can't wait for it~"

"Oh, nice. Well, good luck with that," you say and try to walk away before this encounter becomes even more awkward. Sadly, it doesn't work.

"Hey, wait!" He yells and catches your wrist. Kaito, as you learn from that moment, is not good at reading emotions. You look horrified as he takes your hands in his and bounces on his heels. "We're headed in the same direction! Wanna' drop me off to the choir room? Pretty please~?" He asks, watching you expectantly. He's the kind of guy who hates to walk alone without friends, you guess.

Your former middle school crush asks you to drop him off to class and you can't find it in yourself to deny him. "Umm, uh. S-sure."

"Great!" He says and walks with you, hand in hand. When he feels your shaking hand in his, he blinks. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you uncomfortable with this? It's just that I see you do this with Len and Rin all the time, so I kinda' hoped we could..." he trailed off with an upset frown.

He was giving you the kicked puppy look and you simply could not ignore it.

"No, no! It's fine, d-don't worry about it! I'm just sort of...n-nervous around people, to be honest," you say, cursing yourself for stuttering so much. Even though his hand was freakishly cold, your face was on fire right now.

"...Hmm. You really do have social anxiety, don't you?" He muses, and sort of randomly at that. It certainly takes you by surprise.

You freeze completely and he stops in his tracks as well.

"That would explain why you ran away from Mikuo and I when we were at Rin's place." Kaito continues with a slightly awkward laugh. "Well? Did I hit it on the nail or what?"

Your heart feels like it's about to fly out of your chest with how hard it was beating against your ribcage. You aren't sure if you're set to vomit or pass out right now.

"I..." you pause, trying to find the right words. "Kaito, please don't tell anyone," you beg, grip tightening on his hand.

His gaze softens as he starts walking with you once again. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. I can't imagine how hard it is for you, really," He says with a frown. "It must be painful to be constantly terrified about doing things as simple as talking to people."

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