Chapter 20

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"So what if he's messed up on the inside..."

Len still isn't exactly sure why you quit your job. He knows you wanted to protect Kyoya, but how did the universe have everything swaying in his favor again? It's a sign, he thinks, it's definitely a sign that what he's doing isn't wrong—that keeping you all to himself is what fate is telling him to do. Getting you to quit your job without interfering at all was way too easy, but he doesn't mind. No, he's ecstatic because he would no longer have to stay home alone for hours on the weekend while you worked. Now, he really does have you all to himself at home, and Len has never been happier.

Speaking of you, you sure are taking a while in the shower. Len supposes it's because you're still thinking about things from this morning. You came home a few hours ago and he's not sure you've ever looked so mad in your life, which upsets him greatly because you shouldn't have to be angry because of his crazy fans. He's supposed to keep them at bay, not have them nearly kill you and your friend! He angrily mutters incoherent words as he eats a banana with his right hand and calls someone on his phone with his left.

The phone rings exactly three times before the other person picks up.

"Len? Can I h-help you?" A feeble voice asks on the other end.

"Piko, how close are you to getting the fingerprints off that note yet?" Len asks. He tosses the banana peel onto the table and expertly peels open yet another banana with one hand.

"You won't have to wait much longer, Yuma is at school right now looking through all the girls' files. Once we get a match, I'll give you all the details!" Piko says, and Len can hear the pride in his voice. Piko is definitely a sweet boy—a junior in Len's personal army. Len's loyal little army would often do work for him, be it tormenting someone from afar or getting information.

"Good, good, I knew I could count on you. You're going places, kid," Len says and he knows the younger boy is beaming with pride on the other side. "And about the car?"

"Err...Oliver is currently hunting for the car's license plate in every neighborhood around."

Len doesn't bother to question why Oliver didn't just wait for the first girl to be found first. It would lead him to the other girl and save him a lot of time. He sighs because he always thought that the eyepatch kid had a few screws loose. Rumor had it the boy once tried to eat a spider or some weird shit like that...

"Not only that, there's also another finding!" Piko continues. He sounds excited over it, but Len doesn't remember giving him anything else. "We have reason to believe that Meiko was involved. The red yarn the note was tied with is hers, actually."

"Oh, shit. " Len blankly looks at the table before throwing the other banana peel on it. "Thanks for the info, Piko," he says and abruptly hangs up, tossing his phone next to him on the couch. It takes him a full minute to actually process the information.

How on earth did he forget about Meiko? Len isn't one to jump to conclusions, but he guesses that she's leading the group of fangirls. Who else can it be? Since day one, she's had a thing against you, and she's hanging out with all those younger girls instead of Miku and Gumi. He sighs and shakes his head, mentally kicking himself for missing something so obvious.

Unbeknownst to Len, you finished your shower ten minutes ago. After responding to Kyoya's text, you came downstairs when Len was on the phone and, against your own conscience, you listened in on his conversation. That being said, you now have tons of questions running through your mind. Who the hell is Piko and why is he helping Len? And what is Len going to do to the girls who tried to attack you at work last night?

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