Chapter 18

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"I don't think I can stand it anymore..."

Two days passed since the locker incident. You'd been called in by the principal yesterday and he told you that you'd be getting a new locker soon. He also insisted that you let him call the police over the situation because even he realized that the whole situation was getting serious. However, you declined the idea because your gut (or more specifically, Len) tells you that the cops would only make matters worse.

Honestly, being noticed and talked about by everyone is the worst possible thing that could've ever happened to you and there's still nothing you can do about it. Hiding behind Len doesn't really help you become unnoticed either. At this point, staying home with Len all the time is all you want. Not that he minds, though. No, when you told him that you two should stay home more, he couldn't even hide the fact that he was overjoyed. Being home with just you and away from everyone else is the one thing he's wanted for so long.

Speaking of Len, he should be here by now, you think as you look at the brand-new watch on your wrist. He went out to buy groceries some time ago, and while you always go with him, he insisted that you stayed home and rested today. Not that you were complaining—you didn't want to go outside anymore. Boredly flipping through TV channels beats going out where people can see you, anyway. You're almost ready to fall asleep until an insistent buzzing noise breaks you from your trance.

You realize it's just your phone making noise from the coffee table. When you flip it open to see who the text is from, you're slightly worried because you don't recognize the number. The first thing your mind comes up with is that it's a text from one of Len's crazy fangirls. However, when you read the text, you instantly know who it is.

19:02 +Unknown Number

(Naaaammmeee)~~~ Guess who~!



Rin, is that you?


(Name) :'D

U recognized my fabulousness thru the phone \(*w*)/


Rin, please tell me you didn't steal someone's phone...


What no! I'm just borrowing it duh. I snuck into the professors office to text you!

But i couldn't help it! I miss you yknow D':


Wth Rin, you can't pull that kind of crap there, you could get into serious trouble!!

And why are you texting me when you could've called? >_>

Ten seconds later, your phone blares out it's ringtone.

"(Name)," a high pitched voice cries out when you answer it. Rin sounds like she's trying hard not to cry. "I miss you! I wish you were here, dammit! I have sooo much to tell you!"

"Ahhh, I missed you too! Dude, you'll never guess what happened," you insist, wondering what Rin will say when you tell her about you and Len.

She scoffs. "What? That you're dating my brother?"

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