Chapter 16

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"What you think and what you know. . ."

Some of your classmates argued that what Len felt for you was unhealthy, an obsession. However, that argument came from some of your smarter classmates. The brash ones—mainly the freshmen fangirls—claimed you'd gone and seduced him or something, as you do live with him. You don't want to hear any of it, and who could blame you? The most invisible girl who attracted no attention at all became the most noticeable one in school. With your anxiety, such a thing was absolutely horrifying, and the worst part is that you can't do a thing about it. All you want is some peace and quiet—just to be as unnoticed as you always used to be, but recently you realized that with Len by your side, you can never be invisible again.

Even if there was any chance of that again, Neru just shattered it into a million pieces.

To your surprise and Len's utter horror, Neru waltzes straight into your homeroom class and announces to everyone that she will be switching into it. Some students start to question how that is even allowed. The reason is unknown, and frankly, you don't care. All you know is that you're the reason she's here. Everyone else realizes this as well when Neru strides over to your desk in the back of the room and grins.

"Hi-ya, (Name)! Is this seat taken?" She asks, though she doesn't really wait for an answer. She just throws her bag on the ground and takes the empty seat next to you. The whole class starts to talk quietly about it while your teacher is on her computer looking for an email that confirms Neru's switch into her homeroom class.

"What's with the shocked expression, (Name)? I said you'd be seeing more of me in the future, didn't I?" Neru asks, smiling innocently.

You stare at her oddly. "Um, no?"

She returns the same look until the realization hits her. "Oh, right, you left before that part. Whatever, I'm here to help you out, okay? Just keep that in mind. Oh, and Len?" Neru calls, looking past your head. Her golden eyes clash with angry blue ones. "Lighten up, kid. I'm not here to steal (Name) away from you."

You can tell he finds that hard to believe because his hand is gripping yours so tightly underneath your desk that you're sure it'll bruise.

Len just can't get over how ridiculous this is. When he saw Neru stride into your homeroom and take Rin's old seat, he felt his heart sink. Surely, he had committed a huge sin in his past life, he thinks silently. He currently has no other explanation as to why more obstacles appear after conquering one. Or maybe, just possibly, this is his punishment for separating a girl and her best friend for his own selfish desire...

He looks at the long-haired blonde girl one last time and grimaces; just looking at her makes him feel nauseous, so he decides to focus on your confused face. It calms him down eventually and he squeezes your hand again to remind himself that it's him that you're always with; it's him that you live with, and it's him that you love.

It's him only.


"I leave (Name) with you for one minute yesterday, and suddenly you're in our homeroom today. Care to explain how this happened, Neru?" Len asks the short blonde next to him. He sounds completely calm, but Neru doesn't even have to look at him to know he's boiling over with rage on the inside. Just how much more can he take until he becomes a danger to everyone to around him, she wonders.

"An interrogation! So this is the real reason you offered to walk me to my locker," Neru remarks thoughtfully with a grin. A few students that are also leaving for home watch worriedly or with mild interest as they walk by. Len even hears a few quietly joking that he's going to kill her and he then smiles bitterly at the idea. Oh, if only...

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