Chapter 30

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"What right do I have to call you mine..."


The digital clock on the dashboard of Len's car has always been five minutes ahead to make him feel better whenever he's slightly late to class, so it's really 4:55PM. It doesn't help him as he sits with the others in the car, waiting for the right time to strike.

His anxiousness is contagious.

Do we have everything? he wonders, his fingers drumming against the steering wheel. He's worrying for no reason. Of course they do; there wasn't much to bring anyway, he reminds himself.

In two seconds, he's going to be proved wrong.

Neru goes pale as a sheet when she takes her phone out of her pocket. "W-What is this...?" she whispers, and Len glances at the phone in her hand with confusion on his face.

"What's wrong? Is the battery dead again?" Oliver asks, poking his head over Neru's car seat to observe her phone. The young blond boy watches her flick through the pages of apps on her phone. Everything is as it should be, he thinks as he scratches at the white bandages around his left eye.

"This—This isn't my phone! Where the fuck is my phone?!" she screeches, causing all the boys in the car to wince.

Piko has his hands over his ears as he quietly points out that it looks like her phone since it has the same phone case and everything, though he regrets it thoroughly with a small squeak when Neru whips around with rage in her eyes, telling him she knows what her phone looks like and that this plastic imposter is not it.

Piko and Oliver glance at each other, starting to question why they're even here. Sure, they're Len's most loyal friends and followers, but they're also the youngest. Both are just children at only thirteen years old, yet they were talented enough to have caught Len's attention and become crucial members of his team. Len chose the best of the best to stand beside him, and therefore it is their honor to help him win his fight, they think.

However...if they're this nervous—cowering even, in Piko's case—at the sight of one angry girl right now, then how exactly are they going to survive a warehouse full of bloodthirsty girls?

Piko starts to wonder if you were right. Is this plan as stupid and reckless as you said it is? It would be better to just go home right now and think of something else, he muses. Or perhaps he only thinks that because he is genuinely afraid. He is scared because Len is scared.

While Piko and Oliver rethink their life choices, Yuma is hunched over with his beanie covering his ears to block out Neru's hyperventilating noises as he tampers with her phone. She's right. This isn't her phone at all—it's a copy, Yuma realizes. When he announces this to the group, Neru nearly passes out and Len has to crack open the windows for her.

" really bad. Miku probably was behind this, and I've no clue how. We should turn back since they're likely one step ahead of us if they have Neru's phone, especially since she saved the plan in her files," Yuma says with a troubled look. He looks up, locking eyes with Len in the rearview mirror and finds that he cannot decipher Len's expression at all. "I...I, uh, I just think that'd be safest for all of us," Yuma elaborates, looking away.

Len closes his eyes, his hands keeping a death grip on the steering wheel. "Does everyone agree?"

The car is silent aside from Neru's small hiccups from crying at the loss of her precious phone, but they all agree at the end. Len would rather stay, but he's not about to endanger the life of his friends—not when they've done so much for him. He'll catch Miku some other day, he thinks while turning on the car, getting ready to leave the warehouse's parking lot.

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