Chapter 24

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A/n: Ahhhh I got more fanart! I'm so grateful~ To the talented one who drew the image for this chapter: thank you again, you motivated me to get this next chapter out quickly! You know who you are <3

Also, thanks to all the people who comment and vote. I genuinely enjoy reading comments, no matter how short or silly they are! It helps me know that people are still reading even after a two year hiatus ^^'


"Wherever you go..."




You wake up to two things this morning: a slight headache and fluffy blond hair tickling your nose. Looking below your neck, you're surprised to see Len sleeping soundly with his arms around you. After a few seconds of your mind blanking completely, it all starts coming back. You remember somehow getting drunk last night, resulting in Len helping you get to bed. Hm, no wonder that "grape juice" tasted like it had expired, you realize with a grimace. At the very least, you've learned that you're incapable of handling your alcohol. Yawning quietly, you check the digital clock on your nightstand and you're annoyed to see that you woke up fifteen minutes before your alarm was supposed to go off.

You shift carefully when you notice textbooks and papers littering the floor. With slight guilt, you realize that Len stayed up last night doing your homework all by himself while you were snoozing. You smile at him before hugging him gently. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." You whisper. You slowly detach yourself from Len before quickly replacing yourself with a pillow. He mumbles something in his sleep, snuggling closer to the pillow and you stifle a laugh. Works every time.

Before you head for a shower, you check your phone and find a text from Meiko. You add her to your contacts before formulating a mental response to her, but you can't help but feel awkward texting her because you're not completely sure how to talk to a girl like Meiko. Sure, her personality has greatly improved, but you can't forget how cruel she used to be. You type out a reply and delete it multiple times.

'Gahhh, why is this so hard?'


2:29 AM

So what did you want to tell me?


6:25 AM

Wanted to let you know that Mai and Mari stole from your locker. Your red yarn was actually involved in their crime.


6:25 AM

They tried to frame me?? Why? Idk how I even got caught up in this bullshit, I don't even like Len anymore!


6:26 AM

No idea, but we did believe it was you because we heard you've been hanging out with some underclassmen who might be Len's fans.


6:27 AM

Gross, I would never hang out with those losers

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now