Chapter 17

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"All that I do, I do for you..."

Looking at your brother without some sort of negative expression on your face is impossible. He's looking up at you lazily with one open eye as he rests his chin in his palm. Eventually, he pats the ground next to him motioning for you to sit down.

"Aren't you gonna sit?" He asks with a crooked grin. You merely scoff at him.

"I would if there was any furniture left to sit on," you tell him, and he can just hear the annoyance in your tone. Taking a seat on the ground in front of him, your eyes bore into his (e/c) eyes and he laughs nervously. He averts his eyes to the carpet beneath him and notes for the first time since coming back that many of the old stains are gone. Once, there had been a pudding stain on the carpet–even a blood stain from tripping a few years back, and you'd taken the time to clean them all up when living alone. You're clearly the one who saved this house from deteriorating in price.

Your eyes narrow when you don't get a reply. "Uhh, hello?"

"Oh! Right, I had to sell all the furniture now that the house is finally sold. Don't know who bought it but they won't be here until a while, I think. We're out of debt, finally."

"You mean you're out of debt. Besides, if this isn't our––sorry, your place anymore," you correct yourself when you remember it was his house, "then why are we in it?"

He simply shrugs in response to your question, but he knows the answer to it. This is probably going to be the last time he'll ever be with you in this house again, let alone see you. While Hitori had been too busy fending for himself in the past, he knew you had struggled too. Taking your house away was a horrible move for your relationship, but at least you're in a better place with Len, he thinks silently as he studies your now emotionless face.

"Where else would we meet up? Anyway, it's been a month. They're not gonna' ship mom's body back here, so they're just gonna' officially bury her over in America...Do you want to go see her one last time or—"

Your answer is immediate. "Hell no! I'm not missing school or work for that."

He sighs. "I don't know why I expected your reaction to be any different, honestly. You barely knew her."

"I barely know you." You counter and he flinches at your remark. "You kicked me out of my home. What are you expecting me to do today, huh? Forgive you or something?"

"I don't expect you to do anything! I just...I had to do it. We'd both be in trouble if I didn't sell the house and you know it. Besides, I knew Rin would take you in, so I wasn't worried that you wouldn't have a place to stay." He explains, but you don't want to hear any of it. "Sis, you gotta understand that right now, I'm in trouble. Unlike you, I don't have a full-ride scholarship waiting for me; I have to pay for college myself. I couldn't afford having an extra debt with this house."

Part of you knows it's true, but the other remains stubborn. It only listens to the fact that he abandoned you just like your mother did and that he wanted nothing to do with you. But how can you tell him that this is what you're mad about? That you didn't care if he made you leave your house, but cared more about the fact that he ignored you this whole time? You were never good with your words, especially when trying to fight back or explain your point of view.

Your hands are clenched into fists on your lap and you nearly cry out of sheer frustration while your brother sits there, not knowing what to do or say. To him, it always seemed like you were in control; you could never break no matter what would happen to you, and yet here he is now in awe because he of all people is the one who has reduced you to this state. It makes him feel worse than he already did... so much so that he almost wants to leave.

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now