Chapter 4

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"Soon, you shall see that I am..."

Running into your house seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that Len is actually in your house alone with you, he is terrified.

He could never understand how or why you had this effect on him. Whenever he tried to talk to you, which he barely managed to do in quite a while, he found that you made him feel like a crazed, hormonal, teenage boy...which he is, mind you, but he never acts like that unless he finds himself near you. Why did this start happening?

Len silently prays for luck before walking into your living room where he sees you seated on an old leather couch. Your blushing face is hidden in your hands and you seem to be muttering some incoherent nonsense.

"Are you okay?" He asks hesitantly and takes a seat on the floor in front of you.

"God, that was so embarrassing," you whine, horribly ashamed at how Len had to help you escape because you simply couldn't talk to two boys. "I can't believe I ran out of there like that..."

"Hey, it wasn't embarrassing. If anything, they were impressed with how fast you can run," Len replies, offering a smile you can't see. "Do you wanna talk about what just happened in there...?"

You shake your head. "I don't want to bother you with my problems."

He scoffs and blows a few stray bangs out of his eyes. "Don't start with that. The only thing that bothers me is seeing you upset. Plus, you'll feel better if you talk about it. I may not be my sister or your best friend, but I'm what you have at this moment."

You're quite touched at his concern but then you realize something. Why was Len here and Rin not? A small part of you thought that Rin would chase after you to bring you back or talk to you about what happened not even a few moments ago, but she isn't here. The only who is here is her brother. That fact really upsets you but you're not sure why. "I...she actually didn't come after me."

Len frowns. "Of course not. My sister is an idiot and..." he pauses to see the sad expression on your face, and it makes him just as upset. "Stop making that face! You don't need my sister here to make you feel better––you have me!" Len nearly shouts, clearly hurt that you rather Rin be here instead of him. You're rather surprised at his outburst but you don't question it. He sighs before scooting up closer to you and rests his arms on your knees.

"(Name), I get why you wouldn't want to talk to me right now. I mean, I haven't talked to you or anyone else in a few years because of all the pressure my parents have been putting on me, but that..." his eyes widen when he realizes how that bitterly slipped out of his mouth. "That isn't the point. I just want you to know that I'm still here for you."

"So please," he continues, grasping your hands, "you can confide in me. I'll be there and listen to you when you don't have anyone and even when you do."

It seems you were too easily taken by his speech, as you end up pouring your heart out to him and he talks to you until it's late at night.

You found that talking about your problems made you feel a lot better. Little did you know that Len already knew most of what you told him, but it made him a hell of a lot happier to hear it come from your mouth. He doesn't think he could ever get tired of hearing your voice. Although Len preferred to bottle up his frustrations, he eventually talked about his own problems, but he didn't mind. He would do just about anything to bring the two of you closer together.

Anything at all to make you his.

Except he isn't sure if he'd go far enough to kill someone for your sake. If he went to jail, there would be no way to get his hands on you or keep others away from you. In fact, he knows you'd probably hate him if he murdered someone and that's the last thing he wants. Besides, there isn't anyone who's really in the way of getting to you, unless you count Rin. Sure, she's always in near you and claimed you as her best friend, but would he actually go as far to make something terrible happen to his sister? Would he really sabotage his sister just to get to you?

Yandere!Len Kagamine x Reader | Tear Me DownWhere stories live. Discover now