2[the one with three in one]

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I paced with Ginny and Piper outside the room the boys were in. Apollo and a few of his children were in there doing everything they could to keep the boys in a stable condition. It had been hours before Apollo finally opened the door.
"we've done all we can," Apollo said.
"what's wrong with them?" Piper asked anxiously.
"I'm not sure," Apollo admitted," I've never seen anything like this before. You can go see them if you want."
We all rushed in as Atlanta and Thalia stood by the door looking anxiously at their brothers.
I went over to Percy's bed and perched on the edge next to him. I had been feeling nauseous all day but now it faded away as I look at his plale face.
I took his hand and lent down and rested my face on his chest.
"please come back to me seaweed brain. " I whispered," we're getting married soon. Please."

we opened our eyes. Exactly what that meant. Well.
Annabeth was resting her head on our chest. Percy's chest.
She looked up and saw our eyes open. "Percy," she gasped. She jumped up and yelled for Apollo. He came rushing in and over to us. He looked us up and down. 
And then he looked into our eyes.
He gaped.
"Apollo what's wrong," Annabeth asked.
"that's not just Percy," he said.
"what?" Annabeth asked him, obviously puzzled, " how could that not just be Percy?"
"because that's all three of them."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Ly xxx

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