11[the one with the fatal flaw]

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Percy if you do this I will pull you back from Hades and kill you again! I exclaimed.
Percy had found a cliff somewhere in the forest and was climbing up it.
I agree with Jason. Harry said.
We were both fighting him for control, but he wasn't letting up, not even a little bit.
Guys, you heard Annabeth. It's the only way that things can go back to normal. Percy told us.
But things won't be normal. I exclaimed, Perce you didn't see Annabeth last time you went missing. She wouldn't stop looking, what do you think she's going to do if you die.
She'll live, and she'll have our baby and be an amazing mother.
Gods he's stubborn!
We had reached the top now.
Percy please don't do it, I'm begging you. I pleaded.
Jason, you and I both know that there's no other way out of this, the fates have always had it in for me, I'm not just doing this for you, I'm doing it for Piper, Ginny, Leo, Hermione, Ron, Frank and Hazel and even for Annabeth.
This is for everyone.
Then he jumped.

Jason woke up in the infirmary. He jumped out of the bed. Harry was next to him.
Both of them took off running towards where they had just been. The reached the cliff.
There was nothing there.
Percy was gone.

*Hides* don't kill me.
I killed him. Yes I just killed Percy.
I, still considering if I'm going to bring him back or not.
But anyway.
Remember to vote, comment and dance!!!
~Em xx

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