19[the one with old friends]

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"Persephone!" I yelled as I sprinted outside.
"What is it Nico?" She aske, as she emerged from behind a flower bush.
"Do you know where my dad hid the sword of hades?" I asked. She frowned and then shook her head.
"No, I don't," she said,"sorry."
I threw my hands in the air and sighed, and then sprinted back inside to find the sword.

Hours later (but time can be hard in the underworld)

I found it in the valt, which just so happened to be the last place I looked. Typical.

I was granted Elysium. They gave me a map and pointed out where my house was. I made my way through the streets, avoiding other people who walked along laughing and talking with other people.
Finally I made it to my house. The windows were all dark, in stark contrast to the house next door who's windows were all lit up and sounds of laughter could be heard.
I sighed and went inside my house.


It was nice. There were pictures of my friends and family everywhere, but they only reminded me of what I had left behind.
I knew I had made the right decision, I just couldn't bear the thought of Annabeth raising our child alone, of never having married her.
I sighed and sat down on the sofa.
The doorbell went. I got up to answer it.
I opened the door.
There was a group of people standing there.
"Hi, I'm Luke I live next-" he stopped when he saw me,"Percy?"
I grinned,"hi guys."
On my doorstep stood all of my friends who had died.
Luke, Zöe, Castor, Ethan, Silena, Beckendorf. Even Octavian was there. I herded them all inside and shut the door.
They all sat down.
"What are you doing here?" Silena asked.
"Well it's kind of obvious isn't it," I said as I sat down,"I died."


After I had explained how I died they all laughed. Yes, I repeat. LAUGHED. Well Luke did.
"After everything I did to try to kill you, you were taken out by a cliff!" Luke laughed.
"Um," I said,"I guess."
"You went through Tartrus and you were killed by a CLIFF!" Luke was almost rolling on the floor in fits of laughter.
That was until Zöe slapped him. Hard.
"Luke can't you tell that he's not ready to joke about it yet, he literally just died," she scolded.
"Well...not exactly," I corrected.
"What?" Castor asked.
"Technically I died three months ago," I told them,"I've been missing for three months."
"And how exactly do you know that?" Ethan asked.
"Nico told me," I explained.
"Nico?" Luke asked,"oh that Hades kid right?" I nodded."when did you see him?"
"Whilst I was in the que to see the judges."
"OO Hades is not gonna like that," Silena exclaimed.
The sky outside darkened and a distant rumble of thunder could be heard.
"I think he might've just found out," Luke said.
"I thought Zeus was the God of Thunder," I asked, mystified.
"Yer but not down here," Silena informed me,"down here Hades controls everything."

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!
I hope you liked the chapter!!!! And that you get everything you want for Christmas.
Remember to vote, comment and get to sleep early so Santa comes!!!
~Em xxx

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