23[the one where Nico explains]

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I crossed my arms and eyed Nico.
"Hey I know I don't know you very well," I said,"but I can tell you that pregnant or not, Annabeth is gonna kill you."
He looked up and sighed,"I guess I'll have to explain everything."
"Yes you will,"I grabbed his arm and apperated back to the big house.

Ginny appeared back in the room holding Nico's arm."he was there,"she told us.
I grinned at Piper,"Good call."
Then I turned to look at Nico,"now, you're going to tell me what the Hades this is all about, or I swear on the river styx that I will make your life hell."
Nico rolled his eyes,"fine."
Then he explained everything.

We all sat and gawped at Nico.
"You're saying that you've resurrected Percy," I said, raising an eyebrow.
"That's exactly what I'm saying," he nodded,"but seen as we've misplaced his body..."he trailed off.
"He could be anywhere," Ron finished.
That was when Hermione and Will appeared on the ping-pong table. They immediately climbed down and Will started examining Harry and Jason, who we had both been placed in chairs and were still slumped back, passed out.
We lapsed back into silence, all lost in thought.
I turned to Will,"what's wrong with them?" I asked him.
He shook his head,"from all I can tell they're just mentally exhausted, maybe it's-"
"It's because of what I did," Nico cut him off,"they have a mental connection to eachother, and to Percy, brining him back sent them into shock."
Will frowned,"well then it's nothing nectar won't fix, that is for Jason anyway, we can't give Harry any nectar,"Will sent an apologetic look in Ginny's direction.
"It's fine Will, I can wake up Harry," Hermione said, drawing her wand.
She walked over to Harry and muttered,"Renivarto."
Will trickled some nectar into Jason's mouth. Both of the boys eyes fluttered open.

Ookay guys, I think you should all be proud of me. I finally decided that I really had no idea where this story is going, so I sat down with my laptop (and some pizza but that's irrelevant) and I wrote an outline for the rest of this book. It's about 11 bullet points long that is probably about 11 more chapters.
I'm sorry that this Chapter is kind of short, but it's really just a filler. I could've made it longer by writing Nico explain everything, but let's be honest here, I'm wayyyy to lazy to do that!
Remember to vote, comment and eat blue food!
~Em xx

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