37[the last one]

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-3 years later-
~3rd person~
Not long after Percy and Annabeth's wedding Piper gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, her and Jason named them after their parents. Tristan Grace and Beyrl Grace.
Soon after Jason and Piper got married. They bought a house in New Rome, but visit camp frequently through the portal.

Leo and Calypso finally started their garage, it's a few miles away from camp, so that they're not too far from their friends. Leo realised that he should probably propose, so he did, but it wasn't the perfect thing, he dropped the ring and called her Piper, Calypso did say yes, but still calls in favours using that as blackmail.

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione went back to England. They would eventually forget all about the American exchange students, as would the entire wizarding world, due to a little magic courtesy of Hera. But Harry always had two annoying American sounding voices in the back of his head, courtesy of Percy and Jason.

Frank and Hazel stayed at Camp Jupiter for two more years before buying an apartment in New Rome and starting college. Frank had been planning to propose for agers, but could never get the courage to do it, so Hazel took matters into her own hands and proposed herself. Frank obviously said yes, and everyone is sure he'll make a beautiful bride.

Nico and Will finally got together, and have both of them has been contemplating proposing, but nether has done it yet, Will still doesn't allow Nico to do Underworldy Stuff.

Reyna stayed on as Pretor for another year before falling head over heels for Connor Stoll, no one saw it coming, but they were the third couple to get married and head of to collage in New Rome. Reyna has been feeling a little nauseous latley.... Hmmm, I wonder why.

Thalia stayed in the hunters, until she fell in love, with a mortal boy called Daniel. Thalia had believed that she would never love someone like she had loved Luke Castellan, but as far as she could tell Daniel was pretty similar to Luke, sometimes she even thought that he could be Luke's reincarnation, after all, Percy had told her what Luke had said in the underworld. She never regretted her decision and she and Daniel are living with Jason and Piper until they can get a place of their own.

Grover is still the Lord of the Wild, he runs frequent Save the Trees! Protests in Central Park-look out for them, they sometimes throw pinecones, which contrary to popular belief, do really hurt

Atlanta and Tom finally got together, Atlanta, Tom and Betsy are still campers, and will be for quite a while, although they did earn some respect from the older campers by retrieving Poseidon's trident.

As for Percy and Annabeth, they had two more children, Charlie who is one year younger than Maris, making him 2 and Sally who is one, they also finally bought a house in New Rome, where Annabeth decided to study architecture at collage, Percy decided to skip all forms of school and to start teaching full time at Camp Halfblood, Maris, Charlie and Sally spend some days with Grandma Sally and some with Aunty Piper.

Erobus seemed to have saved his wrath for another generation of demigods and wizards. Who would one day have to unite again to save the world from Erobus.

All of them had their own happy ever afters, may they last forever-because most DemiGods don't get them, but these ones definitely deserve it.

Hey guys, so this book is officially over. Finishing the Them and Us series. I have enjoyed writing this book so much, I would encourage anyone who is thinking of writing any type of book to go for it, don't be afraid. Them and Us was the first book that I ever published and I never thought that I'd ever get as many view, votes or comments as I have. It just shows how much you can achieve if you persevere.
If anyone wants to write any oneshots for this they can send them to me and I'll publish them at the end of the book, giving credit to whoever wrote it/them.
So for the last time in this series,
Remember to vote, comment and give me a follow to get updates about my other books!
~Em xx

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