18[the one where Nico had an idea]

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"Percy?" Someone asked from behind me. I turned away from the game of Rock Paper Scissors I was playing and towards the speaker.
"Nico!" I exclaimed,"what are you doing here?"
"We saw Charon taking you across the Styx." He told me,"and we came to check it out, where have you been?"
"What are you talking about?" I crinkled my brow, wondering what he was talking about.
"Hate to break it to you kelp head, but you've been missing for over three months," Nico winced on the word dead.
"Oh Gods." I sat down,"three months!" Nico nodded."How's Atlanta? Gods how is Annabeth!" I babbled.
"Atlanta us doing okay I guess, here and Tom are dating," I laughed," she's a bit subdued, not as annoying as she used to be."
"She's not annoying," I defended my sister.
"You only say that because you're exactly the same." Nico crossed his arms over his chest.
"Touché," I grinned. My face fell,"and Annabeth?"
Nico raised an eyebrow,"she doesn't believe that you're dead." I put my head in my hands."but the baby is doing fine."
Oops, I had completely forgotten about the baby.
"Is there a Perseus Jackson here?" A woman asked.
I nodded,"that's me."
"Ah Perseus Jackson, you get to skip the que, you're up to see the judges now."
I shot Nico a glance. He met my eyes and there was one message that passed between us.
"Oh styx."

After Percy was herded off by the woman I sprinted all the way back to the palace.
I paced in my father's throne room, thinking about how I would tell the others, and then thinking about all of the things that I had done with Percy.
Then it came to me the time we fought Iapetus, just before the battle of Manhattan.
The sword of Hades.
That was the answer.

Hey guys!!!!!
remember to vote, comment and put out food for Santa!
~Em xxx

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