31[the one with rugby tackling]

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We had flown for ever. Well it felt like that anyway, we had stopped off a few times, and every single time we had ended up battling some type of monster. We had fought a few whilst flying as well, we had all taken shifts sleeping whilst one of us fended off the monsters.
It was my turn to keep watch while the others napped, we hadn't seen land for days, we had been flying over the open waters of the Atlantic... Actually none of us were sure if it was the Atlantic anymore.
It was dark and I was sleepy. After a few hours of watching I saw a glint of something on the horizon.
"Guys," I said, shaking Leo's shoulder, I had learnt the hard way that you should never touch Nico whilst he's asleep, or risk the wrath of the son of Hades.
Leo jerked awake, "I need coffee!" He yelled, which woke up Nico who growled under his breath.
"Look," I pointed to the thing that I had seen in the distance.
Leo grinned, "Oggia." He murmured under his breath.
We soared down towards the beach and Festus landed cleanly, we all climbed off, and Festus immediately shifted into bag form.
Leo laughed, "I think someone's a little cranky."
"Shall we split up?" Nico asked, "and try to find him?"
"No need," a voice said from behind them, we all whirled around and saw Percy standing there, "you took your time."
We all started at him, in awe.
"Hello?" Percy said, "anyone in?"
All at one we broke out of the trance and tackled Percy to the ground.
"Ow, get off me!" He yelled, slightly muffled, because Leo was sitting on his face.
"You have no right to say ow," I stood up and pushed Nico and Leo off of Percy, "you killed yourself!"
Percy sat up on the sand, and rubbed the back of his neck, "well I had good reason, you're back in your own body aren't you!"
"Yah, so's Harry incase you were wondering," I told him,
Percy laughed, "good to know."
"I hate to kill the mood," Nico piped in, "but we're here now, we never really thought about how we'd get off."
"Oh don't you worry my children," Leo grinned and started pulling things out of his tool-belt, "Uncle Leo has this covered."

Hey guys, here's a proper update to make up for yesterday's really bad filler.
So they found Percy-now lets just wait to see if they can get back before Annabeth has the baby!!!!! And wait to find out if it's a girl or a boy!!!!!!!!!!
Remember to vote, comment and wait in anticipation for the next chapter.
~Em xx
*starts writing the next chapter*

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