36[the one with the wedding]

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*3 months later*
I smoothed my dress down again, I turned to my bridesmaids, Thalia was my maid of honour, the rest of them were Piper, Hazel, Hermione, Calypso, Reyna and Ginny. Hazel, Hermione and Ginny were cooing over three month old Maris who was in a tiny bridesmaids dress.
"You look beautiful," Piper told me, her hands were placed on her slightly swollen belly, "and don't worry I'll do exactly as you asked, if you try to bail, I'll make you go up the isle with my dagger."
I laughed, "thanks Piper." There was a knock on my door and my dad's head peeked through with his hand over his eyes.
I had put a lot of thought into who I wanted to give me away, but I had eventually decided that I would ask my dad to.
"Is everyone decent?" He asked.
I laughed, "yup, come on in dad."
He took his hand away from his face and walked in, "oh Annabeth, you look beautiful."
I smiled, "thanks dad."
The door opened again and all of the groomsmen walked in. Percy hadn't been able to narrow it down, he had ended up choosing Jason and Harry as joint best men for obvious reasons, and the rest of them were Nico, Leo, Ron, Grover, Frank and his stepfather Paul.
"Everyone is ready," Jason told us, "you ready to go?"
I nodded. Everyone already knew who they were walking down the isle with, Thalia was with Grover, Piper was with Jason, Hazel was with Frank, Hermione was with Ron, Calypso was with Leo, Harry was with Ginny and Paul was carrying Maris.
We walked out of the room that we were in and down towards the hall that we were using. Everyone filed down the isle. Finally there was only me and my dad.
"Ready?" My dad asked.
"Yer, Yer I'm ready," I looked straight ahead, "let's go."
Everyone else had come down the isle and now I was just waiting for one person.
And the she started her walk, she looked absolutely beautiful. Her hair was down in waves over her shoulders and she had a plain white dress on and hardly any make up. She didn't need it, she's beautiful in whatever she wears.
It felt like a few years but she finally made it to me, her father passed her hands to me and we walked up to front, where Chiron was (in wheelchair form because we had invited some people who didn't know about gods and stuff) he was doing the service.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the Union of Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase." Chiron started. I zoned out after that, just looking at Annabeth.
"Now for the vows," Chiron turned to me and smiled. I took that as a sign that I was going first.
"Wise girl, I love you so much, I can't even put it into words, everything you do is perfect, you could never do anything that would make me love you less. When I lost my memory I could only remember one thing. Your name. You were what pulled me out of the styx, you keep me sane, I will never let you go, ever in my life, I will always come back to you, just like I did always have."
Annabeth smiled, "seaweed brain." She muttered under her breath.
She took a deep breath, "Percy," she started, "I really didn't know what to say until now, but I think everyone in here can agree that you're an idiot, but you're my idiot, my stupid, loyal, selfless idiot. I had a hard time with love, and I spent most of the time that I have known you thinking you would die when you turned sixteen, I still don't understand why you wouldn't let me go when we were hanging off that ledge, but I'm glad you didn't, I love you more than anything that Aphrodite could magic up, and that will never change."
"Now for the rings," Chiron said, Harry passed one to Percy and Thalia passed one to Annabeth.
We slipped the rings onto each other's ring fingers.
"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife," Chiron said, "you may kiss the bride."

Hehehe, did you enjoy Percabeth's wedding? And Piper is pregnant incase you hadn't noticed.
The next chapter is sort of an epilogue.
I hope that you enjoyed this chapter.
Remember to vote, comment and check out the rest if my books.
~Em xx

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