34[the one with death threats]

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We pushed the raft out and all jumped on. Leo took the tiller and steered the boat out into open water.
"So how are we going to get out of here?" Nico asked.
I rubbed my hands together, "Ah Nico, you're sailing with a son of Jupiter and a son of Poseidon, Jason wind now!"
The sail filled and we sped away.
"Guys, we're coming up to something," I warned them, I reached out and felt it, I frowned, "It kind of feels like a wall."
"I guess this is where we find out if this actually works!" Leo whooped in pleasure.
"Wait you don't know if it actually works!" Nico yelled.
"Of course I don't," Leo whooped again, "Jason, we need to be faster."
The wind picked up, "Leo!" I yelled over the wind, "If you kill me again I'm going to kill you!"

Nothing happened. Except Percy's eyes widening.
"What?" Nico asked him, "what happened?"
"It smashed, as soon as the bow touched it the wall just smashed," Percy said, looking back to where we had just from with a dumbstruck expression on his face.
"So the astrolobe worked?" Leo asked, Percy nodded, Leo whooped. Again, "Lets get this show on the road!"

Once we were past the wall I got my bearings, "guys, we're just off the coast of Miami."
Leo grinned, "let's see how fast we can make this thing go?"
I grinned, "already on it!" I used the currents to shoot us forwards in the direction of Long Island.

"Gods if he's not here soon I'm going to kill them all!" Annabeth yelled.
"I know honey," I sponged her head again, "I'll kill them all as well."

"Percy!" I yelled over the whipping wind, "how much longer?"
"Not long!" He yelled back, "about 10 minutes!"
We arrived on the beach of camp halfblood exactly 10 minutes later.
We abandoned the raft on the beach. Percy lead the way, sprinting away towards the cabins.

As I sprinted through camp a lot of heads turned. I ignored all of them. I was dead set on getting the the Poseidon cabin, for some reason I felt like that was where I needed to be.
There was a group of people gathered outside the cabin. I noticed a few of their faces and slowed to a halt to talk to them.
"Percy?" I was tackled in a hug by about five or six people, once they all got off me I saw that it was Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Frank and Hazel.
"Annabeth is in there," Harry told me. I looked at him, confused, "she's in labour, now go!"

Hey guys!
So sneaky chapter here =)
Remember to vote comment and give me any more names that you have for the baby!
~Em xx

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