15[the one with the tree]

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I didn't know my brother for long, but the little time that I did know him for has to be some of the best days of my life.
I had spent little time away from Tom. He is the only person who can get me to calm down, the only person who makes me feel safe.
I think that my feelings for him have grown. It doesn't feel like friendship anymore.
Right now the two of us are sitting in our tree.
Yes, we have a tree. It's kinda sappy, but it's just the place we go when we want to be alone.
I may not like heights, but we climb up into the branches and perch on this one branch about half way up the tree and just talk.
This particular day we just sat in silence, my head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on mine.
"Does it ever go away?" I asked, in a very childlike voice.
"What?" Tom asked.
"The pain of loosing people," i said,"I mean you lost your mum, has that got any better?"
"The truth?"
"The truth." I confirmed.
"No, La," he told me,"it doesn't go away, you just learn how to deal with it."
"I'm not sure if that's going to happen," I confessed,"everyone's morning for him in someway or another, I honestly don't think that either of the camps are going to get over this in a hurry."
"I know." He said,"gods I know."
We lapsed into a comfortable silence.
The took my head off of his shoulder and looked at him. He looked back at me, blue eyes. Those blue eyes.
"Thankyou for being here Tom." I smiled," I don't know what I'd of done without you."
He smiled. Then he lent in and kissed me.

Wooo another update, the next chapter is where stuff starts happening, so strap yourselves in fellow fangirls/fanboys it's going to be a rollercoaster of feels!
Remember to vote, comment and ship Percabeth!
~Em xx

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