33[the one where the raft is finished]

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We had been working for days, but it could've been hours, we've all lost track of time, as is common on Ogygia. I couldn't tell if it had been one night, two, three, or more.
I for one hadn't been to sleep and I didn't even feel tired, this made my sense of time even more muddled.
"Almost done!" Percy gritted his teeth and pulled the knots that we had used to tie the planks of wood that made up the raft together, we had used Bamboo to make the main section of the boat, a large plank that we had found to make the mast, we had a rudder that I had spent agers on, next to the rudder was the astrolobe.
"Done?" Jason and Nico walked over holding food that they had collected from Calypso's garden and cave. They started loading it onto the raft.
"Yup!" Percy yelled triumphantly.
"Woa, you really are good at this making boat stuff," I grinned as i tightened the knots on the astrolobe, "you might have been useful to have around whilst we were building the Agro II!"
"It's kinda in my DNA," Percy grinned.
"Gods don't have DNA," Jason reminded him.
"Oh Yer," Percy frowned, with his trademark seaweed brain expression on his face.
"So the raft is ready?" Nico asked, tossing some of the food at Percy.
"Yup," I tied one last knot and jumped down onto the sand, "lets set sail!"

"C'mon Annabeth, breath through it!" Piper told me.
"No! This can't be happening now!" I gritted my teeth, "Percy isn't back yet!"
"Annabeth he'll be here!" Piper brushed my hair behind my ears, "he will!"

A tiny bit short, but just incase you hadn't realised Annabeth went into labor.
Will the boys get back?
Oovoo cliff hanger!
Remember to vote, comment and go to the opra!
~Em xx

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