28[the one with a small cube tent]

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After we took off from camp Halfblood we flew for hours, I lost track of time. After we had crossed the borders of camp the rain lessened slightly and the earthquakes stopped, the sea below us was still very stormy. It seemed the mortal world had only gotten off slightly better than the demigods.
"We need to set down!" Leo yelled after what felt like agers, "We need food, and Festus may be a metal dragon but he needs to rest as well, there's some land not too far away, well land there, rest for a while and then set off again."
"Go ahead!" Nico yelled. Leo nodded and Festus started to head downwards.
After a while Festus landed. It was Twilight and and it was silent. Too silent.
Nico took his backpack off of his back. He put his hand inside and pulled out a small box, that wasn't much bigger than a pack of gum.
"Reyna lent this to me," he said.
"What good is that going to do us?" Leo asked.
Nico looked at him and raised an eyebrow. The small box expanded into a white silk tent.
"Oh I get it," Leo said.
"Welcome to my humble abode," Nico said, pulling the silk door aside for them to walk inside.
We were all relaxing on their choice of camp beds when I heard it. The hissing roar sounds that I knew to be the noses made by a hydra. Instantly we all sprung up and grabbed our weapons.
"What is that?" Leo asked as we sprinted out.
"It's a Hydra," Nico said, as it came into view.
"Nico, me and you cut the heads off and Leo burn the stumps," I yelled as I sprung into action. Slicing and dodging the acid spray that it was spewing from its mouth.
Nico managed to cut off the first head, and Leo managed to set it on fire.
I ducked, rolled and cut off a second. But the heads teeth scraped my skin. Thankfully it was only a skin wound, the venom didn't get into me.
Leo set that stump on fire, whilst yelling, "TWO DOWN, SEVEN TO GO!"
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nico rolling his eyes and went in for another attack.
I laughed and leapt in to help Nico. Together we managed to cut off another three heads.
Leo whooped and lit two of the stumps on fire. But he wasn't quick enough to get the third. It started to re-grow and split into two.
"Uh oh," Leo said.
Nico grinned, a smile that scared me just a tiny bit, "this just got way more fun."

Yay! I updated!!!
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~Em xx

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