3[the one that is very confusing]

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"thats all three of them," Apollo said.
"what?" Annabeth asked.
"you heard me," Apollo looked at her.
"yes I heard you, I just have no idea what you mean," Annabeth said. By now Piper and Ginny had come over.
"The prophecy," Piper gasped," Three souls shall merge. That's what it meant."
"you mean thats Jason, Percy and Harry?" Funny asked.
"yes," we said, our three voices talking together. I felt a small shove as Percy took back his body.
"what the hell is this Apollo?" Percy demanded.
'yes ask him that and ask him why you get control' i said in our mind.
"shut up Jason," Percy said out loud.
"what?" Apollo asked.
"Jason was talking I told him to shut up," Percy said.
"so which one are you?" Ginny asked.
"Percy," Percy said," now Apollo answer me. "
"I'm sorry Percy but I've never seen anything like this before," Apollo admitted.
'ask him to work it out!' Harry said in our mind.
Percy chortled, "Harry says work it out."
"Okay okay," Apollo put his hands up and dissapered.
'Can I talk to Piper please?' I asked in our mind.
'And can I talk to Ginny' harry asking in our mind too.
Percy rolled his eyes,"Jason and Harry want to talk to Piper and Ginny, but can I talk to Annabeth first?" Piper and Ginny nodded and backed out of the room.
"You guys too," Percy said.
'Sure Perce.' Me and Harry built a wall in our mind cutting us off from percy. So we had a bit of a talk.

"Annabeth I-" I started. She cut me off with a hug.
"Will we ever get a break?" She sobbed.
I laughed." I doubt it, child of the big three remember."
"I love you Seaweed Brain," she whispered.
"I love you too Wise Girl," I stroked her hair." Let's give the others some time shall we?"
She nodded," I'm sorry I got soppy I don't know hats wrong with me." She said.
'Jason your turn.' I said to the other two. I released control and let Jason take over.

I hope you enjoyed this one.
Have fun 😘

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